God LOVES long-haired men!...

God LOVES long-haired men!...
Posted by LucksKind on August 26, 2002 at 09:18:33: Previous Next

Some religious men point the the Bible and say it's a shame...
to be a Longhair...fooey!
...I'm sick and tired of it cause it also says:
....According to God's law, a man must not cut the hair at the sides of his head and he must not clip the edges of his beard. (Leviticus 19:27) (If a man is a Nazarite one who is specially dedicated to God - he must not cut his hair at all.)

Absalom, king David's son, was the most handsome man in all Israel: he cut his hair only once a year...

So fellows, if you want to be the most handsome men in the land...
...NEVER TRIM YOUR HAIR MORE THAN year... And never shave.

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