what a QUOTE of the Century...

what a QUOTE of the Century...
Posted by LucksKind on August 27, 2002 at 17:41:50: Previous Next

..."A MAN wears short hair if he is a Man in his thinking.
Hair style on a MAN is strictly a matter of what he THINKS...
THINKS... THINKS! It all comes from the soul...
If he's something OTHER[!] than a man, then of course, what comes
out of the TOP of his head manifests what goes on INSIDE the head.

... A man who has his hair looooong because some girl told him he
looked good that way, obviously is a responder.
He has all the MALE 'accouterments', but he's a "woman" in his soul[!!!!]
A man is to be the authority over the woman, and the BADGE is his SHORT HAIR!

"What are the signs of the times?" ...
....The signs of the times today are reflected in the male's LONG HAIR!
Long hair reflects confusion[!], rebellion[?] and rejection[?!]

How LONG is LONG Hair on a MALE?? ...
"Down over the head" is the standard for a MAN's hair.
A GOOD RULE OF THUMB would be that if you can comb your hair so that
it comes down over your eyes or nose, it's TOO LONG[!!!]
...It's a VEIL[!!!] though you can't find the word "veil" in the English -- only in the Greek.

If a man's wife has hair shorter than her husband's, it indicates that SHE DOMINATES[!] -- SHE is the AGGRESSOR[hmmmmm..he..he] and
this principle has been violated.

LONG HAIR is the SIGN![!] And you may have thought that hair was
designed only for beauty.

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