Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07: Previous Next
Sorry for all the posts recently but after having a chop I have seen a different side to all this hair and fashion business.
In a recent post I read ''So we are not a slave to fashion'' when on about long hair.
Well for me it was different because I found myself being a slave to fashion with having long hair. The alternative fashion. People say they do not conform, are different and do not follow fashion, when in fact everybody does just that. By 'rebelling' against fashion, you hit a sub-trend in which all the 'non conformists' are part of. Take the Grunge trend- long bleached hair, ripped jeans, flannel shirts, and the Goth trend- Black clothes and make up. Al these sub trends are in fact a fashion so no boddy is a non conformist or a rebal or what ever you want to call it.
I hope you understand what I am saying here, we are all part of some trend or fashion. Unless you create your own style.
Thanks for reading,
Re: Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by Cactus Jack on August 29, 2002 at 14:12:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07:
the whole point of being a non-conformist is not purposly trying to NOT look like any style there is, it's looking how you want when you want regardess of whats in style
like if you WANt long hair you HAVE long hair regardless if everyone else hates you because of it or if its in style
just my opinion
Re: Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 16:04:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by Cactus Jack on August 29, 2002 at 14:12:19:
Thats what I am saying, I guess i grew my hair because of all the stars I like- Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, Mark Arm etc. I shouldn't of done it because of them, but because I wanted to. The thing is I did grow it because of them, when really I didn't like it myself.
Re: Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by MG on August 29, 2002 at 17:48:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 16:04:50:
: Thats what I am saying, I guess i grew my hair because of all the stars I like- Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, Mark Arm etc. I shouldn't of done it because of them, but because I wanted to. The thing is I did grow it because of them, when really I didn't like it myself.
: James
Now you are starting to get it. Long hair is something you do because
that is what you want and for no other reason or no other person.
For myself I've always wanted long hair ever since I was old enough
to think about my hair. Why? I really can't say other than its just
me. So I don't think I'm being a slave to anything except maybe
myself. So I have a hell of an s.o.b. for a slave master.
Re: Slave some
Posted by LucksKind on August 29, 2002 at 14:18:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07:
: "We are all part of some trend or fashion. Unless you create your own style." ~James
...true to some degree...
...but Longhairs are in a very unusual 'sub trend' because while some... get haircuts, etc.--others do not.
People with long hair CAN be very dependent on hairstylists...
...or NEVER visit one at all.
Longhairs might also be considered 'out-of-fashion' by some...
...OR 'behind-the-times'....OR...
......he..he...even 'ahead-of-the-Times'!
Re: Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by The Rev on August 29, 2002 at 14:27:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07:
I'm a true rebel. I really am. That is, unless there is a subgroup that wears frock coats.
The Rev
Re: Slave
Posted by LucksKind on August 29, 2002 at 14:31:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by The Rev on August 29, 2002 at 14:27:44:
: I'm a true rebel. I really am. That is, unless there is a subgroup that wears frock coats ~The Rev
....very nice! :)
Hey, where'd you get that, anyway?
Posted by vul on August 30, 2002 at 01:04:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Slave posted by LucksKind on August 29, 2002 at 14:31:40:
I've been looking for something relatively similar to that, though I would make a few modifications to it here and there. Called a frock coat, eh? Maybe that'l help in my search
Re: Hey, where'd you get that, anyway?
Posted by The Rev on August 30, 2002 at 09:39:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hey, where'd you get that, anyway? posted by vul on August 30, 2002 at 01:04:12:
I looked far and wide to find a frock coat that I liked. The one in the pic is a Union Chaplain's uniform coat from the Civil War. I liked it for the collars. At the same site that sells these, you can get civilian coats and other uniforms (its a site for Civil War re-enactors).
These sites will also have some good stuff:
A Rose Ad Mortem (Gothic Clothes)
C&C Sutlery (Civil War and Cowboy Clothes)
Any search under 'Frock Coat' should yield a few other sites, but here's a variety to start with.
The Rev
Re: Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by tekmatai on August 29, 2002 at 14:32:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07:
I understand that. I dont wanna come off sounding full of it, but thats something i've noticed for a long time.
Recently though, its more apparent. Take all the little skate kiddies that wear baggy jeans and listen to linkin park and skateboard. they're conforming but if you ask them they'll tell you theyre all unique and are 'not bein trendy'.
Personally I dont care what anyone does fashion-wise, and i wear whatever i feel like wearing at the time. if it looks ok then i choose to wear it. if not then i dont. i dont consiously try to fit into any sub types. I want long hair because i think it'll look cool. I wear baggy jeans so i look bigger and therefore more intimidating towards my granmas evil dog. not because of any fashion in particular.
did any of that make sense?
Posted by Rokker on August 29, 2002 at 15:51:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07:
I've had long hair for 25 years. I didn't grow it to fit in with fashion, and I haven't kept it long to be against "fashion".
I've had long hair when it was cool, when it was okay, when it wasn't cool, etc. My hair stays the same throughout all trends. No mullets, no feathered hair, etc. One length all over (or as close to it as I can get).
I don't think ANYONE here is growing hair as an "anti-fashion" statement. That may have bene you, but the rest of us have long hair (or are growing it) because it's what WE WANT!
I guess you really aren't "one of us" after all.
Re: Uuuuhhh....whatever!
Posted by I wish I had a beard on August 29, 2002 at 16:17:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: Uuuuhhh....whatever! posted by Rokker on August 29, 2002 at 15:51:31:
: I've had long hair for 25 years. I didn't grow it to fit in with fashion, and I haven't kept it long to be against "fashion".
: I've had long hair when it was cool, when it was okay, when it wasn't cool, etc. My hair stays the same throughout all trends. No mullets, no feathered hair, etc. One length all over (or as close to it as I can get).
: I don't think ANYONE here is growing hair as an "anti-fashion" statement. That may have bene you, but the rest of us have long hair (or are growing it) because it's what WE WANT!
: I guess you really aren't "one of us" after all.
Exactly what Rokker said, except not the same time scale. In fashion or not doesnt really make a difference.
Re: Uuuuhhh....whatever!
Posted by slacker on August 30, 2002 at 15:44:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: Uuuuhhh....whatever! posted by Rokker on August 29, 2002 at 15:51:31:
: I've had long hair for 25 years. I didn't grow it to fit in with fashion, and I haven't kept it long to be against "fashion".
: I've had long hair when it was cool, when it was okay, when it wasn't cool, etc. My hair stays the same throughout all trends. No mullets, no feathered hair, etc. One length all over (or as close to it as I can get).
: I don't think ANYONE here is growing hair as an "anti-fashion" statement. That may have bene you, but the rest of us have long hair (or are growing it) because it's what WE WANT!
: I guess you really aren't "one of us" after all.
Judging by some of the things that have been said on here, there are defintely people growing hair as an "anti-fashion" statement. I am not saying this is the majority. People grow hair for all sorts of reasons and that IS one of them.
He wasn't saying that this is what you all are doing. But some are.
If you grew your hair for you, and didn't care when it was cool, when it was okay, and when it was uncool, then good for you. Personally, I would consider that the ideal attitude for having long hair.
On the other hand, the people that ARE growing as a "anti-fashion" statement, or as a fashion-statement, have just as much right to do so as anyone.
Re: Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by Wetdog on August 29, 2002 at 18:57:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07:
Though I see others have addressed this already,
I just want to note that I disagree as well.
You say 'everybody' follows fashion, and I don't believe that's true.
Certainly at any given time there may or may not be some group that
has long hair as part of their image. Given the number of people in
the world, it's almost a certainty. However, a few external similarities, or even a lot of them, are not necessarily indicative of
an attempt to follow that fashion. I have long hair and like to walk
around barefoot. Am I trying to follow 'hippy' fashion? Not really, though people call me a hippy. The point is that I've never really consciously tried to be one. I just enjoy having long hair and walking around barefoot ^_^ . I'm not interested in trying to conform or not trying to comform. I'm not being a rebel, I'm being me.
I am reminded of an episode of an old Nickelodeon cartoon called
"Doug". One day everybody is wearing the same thing as Doug and
he is at the height of trendiness. The next day of course, everyone
pokes fun at him for being behind the fashion times. Doug is left
figuratively scratching his head, and of course just goes on wearing
what he's always worn anyway, cause he likes it. Wow, I never though
I'd try to use a Nickelodeon cartoon to make a point...
Anyway, thanks for listening, and good luck with whatever
*you* want to do with your hair!
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that
we have to alter it every six months.
----Oscar Wilde
: Sorry for all the posts recently but after having a chop I have seen a different side to all this hair and fashion business.
: In a recent post I read ''So we are not a slave to fashion'' when on about long hair.
: Well for me it was different because I found myself being a slave to fashion with having long hair. The alternative fashion. People say they do not conform, are different and do not follow fashion, when in fact everybody does just that. By 'rebelling' against fashion, you hit a sub-trend in which all the 'non conformists' are part of. Take the Grunge trend- long bleached hair, ripped jeans, flannel shirts, and the Goth trend- Black clothes and make up. Al these sub trends are in fact a fashion so no boddy is a non conformist or a rebal or what ever you want to call it.
: I hope you understand what I am saying here, we are all part of some trend or fashion. Unless you create your own style.
: Thanks for reading,
: James
Re: Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by Revolver Ocelot on August 29, 2002 at 19:22:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07:
Hey dude. What you say is true to a certain degree, but I think this post is more to do with you feeling a little resntful to those on this board that were a little...nasty to your new aimed hairstyle.
You have nothing to prove mate. No-one here holds anything against you because you went for the chop. Long hair makes us happy and for you to have it and for it not to make you happy kinda defeats the object of having it really doesn't it?
Do what you feel is right, nothing more can be asked of you.
Re: Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by NorCal Scott on August 29, 2002 at 20:39:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07:
One can get into a circular argument with this kind of logic, a tautology. "I grow my hair to be different, but others grow their hair to be different, so I am not different from them, therefore I am the same as them, and not different at all."
Personally, I am growing my hair longer because that is what I want to do at this particular time. I do not care whether it is in or out of fashion.
: In a recent post I read ''So we are not a slave to fashion'' when on about long hair.
Re: Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by slacker on August 30, 2002 at 15:37:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07:
: Sorry for all the posts recently but after having a chop I have seen a different side to all this hair and fashion business.
: In a recent post I read ''So we are not a slave to fashion'' when on about long hair.
: Well for me it was different because I found myself being a slave to fashion with having long hair. The alternative fashion. People say they do not conform, are different and do not follow fashion, when in fact everybody does just that. By 'rebelling' against fashion, you hit a sub-trend in which all the 'non conformists' are part of. Take the Grunge trend- long bleached hair, ripped jeans, flannel shirts, and the Goth trend- Black clothes and make up. Al these sub trends are in fact a fashion so no boddy is a non conformist or a rebal or what ever you want to call it.
: I hope you understand what I am saying here, we are all part of some trend or fashion. Unless you create your own style.
: Thanks for reading,
: James
"Don't conform to non-conformity."
Re: Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by teknohippy on September 02, 2002 at 03:57:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Slave to ''fashion'' posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07:
: In a recent post I read ''So we are not a slave to fashion'' when on about long hair.
: Well for me it was different because I found myself being a slave to fashion with having long hair. The alternative fashion.
The big difference I see between what you would call mainstream fashion and alternative fashion is that my methods of alternative fashion do not rely on brands, but rather on styles. It's all about buying and wearing what you want rather that being a slave to what hollywood and the tube tell you what you should want.