Slave to ''fashion''

Slave to ''fashion''
Posted by InUtero on August 29, 2002 at 13:15:07: Previous Next

Sorry for all the posts recently but after having a chop I have seen a different side to all this hair and fashion business.

In a recent post I read ''So we are not a slave to fashion'' when on about long hair.

Well for me it was different because I found myself being a slave to fashion with having long hair. The alternative fashion. People say they do not conform, are different and do not follow fashion, when in fact everybody does just that. By 'rebelling' against fashion, you hit a sub-trend in which all the 'non conformists' are part of. Take the Grunge trend- long bleached hair, ripped jeans, flannel shirts, and the Goth trend- Black clothes and make up. Al these sub trends are in fact a fashion so no boddy is a non conformist or a rebal or what ever you want to call it.

I hope you understand what I am saying here, we are all part of some trend or fashion. Unless you create your own style.

Thanks for reading,


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