To hippie boy, and others here -
Posted by BuzzCT on August 31, 2002 at 09:14:07: Previous Next
I saw your posts on the Haircut Reserves board, (and the reactions you got) and your post below. I thought I might be able to clarify things a little...... (By the way, I come as a friend!)
The Haircut Reserves Board is composed of a few,'reactionary,'types. They are, basically, the lunatic fringe of the short hair crowd. They are constantly crowing about THEIR masculinty - and how anyone who doesn't wear hair as short as theirs is a girlie. They IN NO WAY represent the opinions of most of the short-haired crowd - who post mostly on the BuzzBoard of The Haircut Site.
Most of us who post on the Buzzboard do, certainly, like short hair
- on themselves or others. And there ARE many of us who are gay, probably about half. But most of us are NOT judgmental about guys with long hair, and absolutely respect the rights of ANYONE to wear his hair the way he wants.
I realize that some of you have posted there, and gotten blasted; but you've had many defenders, including myself. I believe there should be harmony between both groups - which is why I made this post.
By the way, in case you are wondering why I read (but seldom post) the Haircut Reserves - They often say NASTY things about ME there, (like they do most people) and I just like to keep on top of what they're saying.
Thanks for listening, and enjoy your hair! BuzzCT
Re: To hippie boy, and others here -
Posted by I wish I had a beard on August 31, 2002 at 10:30:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: To hippie boy, and others here - posted by BuzzCT on August 31, 2002 at 09:14:07:
Ive noticed that alot of them there are not only intolorent themselves, but become angry at other members of that board who show any tolerance. I know that there are more open minded there (including you and a few others) and I dont think anyone here would see some of the idiots that post there as representitive of men with short hair in general, since I think few of us here label groups of people like that.
Thanks for posting. Im beginning to think that it would be a good idea for someone to create a mixed board for long and short hair.
good idea...
Posted by LucksKind on August 31, 2002 at 14:45:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: To hippie boy, and others here - posted by I wish I had a beard on August 31, 2002 at 10:30:29:
: "Im beginning to think that it would be a good idea for someone to create a mixed board for long and short hair."
......hmmmmmmm and then everybody could get to know each other
on 'neutral ground and may realize that it's what
is beaneath the hair that counts.
Let's Ask Jeeves for the Answer
Posted by STALKER on August 31, 2002 at 20:44:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: To hippie boy, and others here - posted by I wish I had a beard on August 31, 2002 at 10:30:29:
: Thanks for posting. Im beginning to think that it would be a good idea for someone to create a mixed board for long and short hair.
About four years ago, there was some discussion about the Buzztown Barber Shop. I went there, and there was NONE of that nasty stuff that was on The HairCut site (where the Buzzboard is). I think that someone was Asking Jeeves about men's hair styles, and that's how we found out about Buzztown!
I think that'd be a great idea!
Posted by BuzzCT on August 31, 2002 at 20:44:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: To hippie boy, and others here - posted by I wish I had a beard on August 31, 2002 at 10:30:29:
Let's face it: we all have some interest in hair, whatever the length.
However, it's funny, now: When I was young, I took a lot of flak (because I grew my hair long) from the 'establishment,' most of whom wore short hair. Then, about 15 years ago, when I cut it, I got a lot of ridicule (like being called Skinhead or Nazi) from the longhairs, who became the NEW establishment, LOL!
Many of us buzzed guys first went to the Buzzboard seeking valdation. It is really WEIRD now that we're in the majority again......
But, in the end, it's just hair, right?
Re: To hippie boy, and others here -
Posted by Skarred Orange on August 31, 2002 at 10:49:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: To hippie boy, and others here - posted by BuzzCT on August 31, 2002 at 09:14:07:
: I saw your posts on the Haircut Reserves board, (and the reactions you got) and your post below. I thought I might be able to clarify things a little...... (By the way, I come as a friend!)
: The Haircut Reserves Board is composed of a few,'reactionary,'types. They are, basically, the lunatic fringe of the short hair crowd. They are constantly crowing about THEIR masculinty - and how anyone who doesn't wear hair as short as theirs is a girlie. They IN NO WAY represent the opinions of most of the short-haired crowd - who post mostly on the BuzzBoard of The Haircut Site.
: Most of us who post on the Buzzboard do, certainly, like short hair
: - on themselves or others. And there ARE many of us who are gay, probably about half. But most of us are NOT judgmental about guys with long hair, and absolutely respect the rights of ANYONE to wear his hair the way he wants.
: I realize that some of you have posted there, and gotten blasted; but you've had many defenders, including myself. I believe there should be harmony between both groups - which is why I made this post.
: By the way, in case you are wondering why I read (but seldom post) the Haircut Reserves - They often say NASTY things about ME there, (like they do most people) and I just like to keep on top of what they're saying.
: Thanks for listening, and enjoy your hair! BuzzCT
I've read your posts at the BB and you're a good guy from what I can tell. Don't worry we recognise who the good and bad guys are there :).
Re: To hippie boy, and others here -
Posted by Mark on August 31, 2002 at 11:44:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: To hippie boy, and others here - posted by BuzzCT on August 31, 2002 at 09:14:07:
where do us people whove had both buzz cuts and long hair fit in? lol
if sexuality was linked to hair id be seriously confused by now. lol
To BuzzCT
Posted by FITMUS on August 31, 2002 at 12:08:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: To hippie boy, and others here - posted by BuzzCT on August 31, 2002 at 09:14:07:
Thanks for posting that message...
Re: To hippie boy, and others here -
Posted by SixStringThing on August 31, 2002 at 20:47:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: To hippie boy, and others here - posted by BuzzCT on August 31, 2002 at 09:14:07:
To BuzzCT, thanks. Now to whoever suggested making a mixed board for long and short hair, sorry but I think that's a really bad idea. I don't come to this board b/c I'm obsessed w/long hair or anything, I just come here because this is my first time growing and i need advice/tips etc. (same thing goes for someone who has questions about short hair, it would make sense to have a site dedicated to ONLY short hair) It shocks me that there's this idea of a need for shorthaired people and longhairs to "get together" somewhere and be able to get along.... I mean common, it's just hair! If you choose who you talk to b/c of their hair you have some problems. If you refuse to talk to short haired people or vice versa, you're way too obsessed with hair. So the idea of bringing shorthairs and longhairs together seems so crazy to me, it's like saying that we are different species or something.
I can see both sides here......
Posted by BuzzCT on September 01, 2002 at 09:16:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: To hippie boy, and others here - posted by SixStringThing on August 31, 2002 at 20:47:18:
Most of us went to the shorthair board for the same reasons, so I can certainly see your point there. Only recently, though, a group (SMALL) of fanatics have moved in, making it a very unpleasant place to be, at times.
I find you guys to be a much friendlier bunch than the buzz group, on the whole. I certainly appreciate the hspitality I've received here! So that's why I think it might be appropriate to have a neutral site where we could all interact positively.
Re: I can see both sides here too
Posted by Baldie the Eagle on September 05, 2002 at 23:57:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: I can see both sides here...... posted by BuzzCT on September 01, 2002 at 09:16:58:
I can see both sides, too, but I'm not sure quite what would be posted on a mixed board. People who like long hair wouldn't be interested in the short hair postings and vice versa, and there's only so many times you can say. 'I have long (or short) hair but I don't mind if yours is different', and if it got invaded by people saying. 'I have long (or short) hair and if yours is different I hate you' it wouldn't be very constructive.
On Victor's board we are generally tolerant, helpful, constructive and welcoming. Whether it has something to do with the fact that most of us have or want long hair is debatable: I know a lot of short haired people who have all of those qualities I have mentioned, even if they clearly have no taste (bg). I reckon that the place for interaction between ongs and shorts is right here.
Re: To hippie boy, and others here -
Posted by RedRocker on August 31, 2002 at 20:47:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: To hippie boy, and others here - posted by BuzzCT on August 31, 2002 at 09:14:07:
Welcome BuzzCT!! I often read the haircut board and sometimes post there. I welcome your posts and others from "the other board". I post there as a friend, with no intention of causing trouble. I do agree that some of the short hair "posters" are very extreme in their views (I know you know of whom I speak). Thank you for your post. Take care man. See 'ya on the BB!!