Hair progress
Posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 20:25:21: Previous Next
Hey, I've been keeping track of my hair growing progress on my computer. Rather than taking progress pics (although I have some), I've just been typing the date and where my bangs are (easier to judge length from bangs than from anywhere else, partly because the face has many features that you can use as 'landmarks') on that day. The first two dates are from memory, but I'm sure they're right. You may notice that the rate of growth seems to fluctuate a bit, but that's to be expected, I guess. Here's my 'longhair calendar' so far:
Hair progress, 2002
*Measurements based on length of bangs
Early - mid March: last haircut; bangs just around eyebrow length
Late April: 4 1/2 inches
June 28: about 5 4/5 inches
July 1: didn't measure
July 10: bangs just reach the top of my top lip
July 22: bangs almost to the top of my bottom lip (some already are)
July 29: bangs to the top of my bottom lip (around 6 1/4 inches)
August 2: bangs just a little bit longer than on July 29
August 8: bangs still around top of bottom lip
August 15: bangs at bottom lip (can put bangs in my mouth a little)
August: 23: bangs at mid to low bottom lip
August 30: bangs at low bottom lip
September 1: bangs at low bottom lip and a bit past
Posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 20:26:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hair progress posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 20:25:21:
BTW, when I say 'bangs at bottom lip and a bit past' and such, I mean that that's how long they are when pulled down. Otherwise, they only appear to be a bit past nose length, since I have wavy hair. =]
Great progress!...
Posted by LucksKind on September 04, 2002 at 08:04:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hair progress posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 20:25:21:
: Hey, I've been keeping track of my hair growing progress on my computer. Rather than taking progress pics (although I have some), I've just been typing the date and where my bangs are (easier to judge length from bangs than from anywhere else, partly because the face has many features that you can use as 'landmarks') on that day. The first two dates are from memory, but I'm sure they're right. You may notice that the rate of growth seems to fluctuate a bit, but that's to be expected, I guess. Here's my 'longhair calendar' so far:
: Hair progress, 2002
: "*Measurements based on length of bangs
: Early - mid March: last haircut; bangs just around eyebrow length
: September 1: bangs at low bottom lip and a bit past."
...from you measurements and 'landmark' lengths, it looks like
you have faster growing hair than average!
Mine was 'seemingly' going slow for the longest time...
...and now--suddenly--it seems to have 'speeded up'!
Re: Hair progress
Posted by Cactus Jack on September 04, 2002 at 15:37:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hair progress posted by Mantraschism on September 03, 2002 at 20:25:21:
WOW you have some fast growing hair!
i've been growing since the begnning of the year and mine only goes down to my upper lip when i PULL it down,and when its dry its above my eyes because its so curly
seems like its taken forever to grow
but then again i started from a buzzcut, what did you start from?
Re: Hair progress
Posted by Mantraschism on September 04, 2002 at 17:21:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Hair progress posted by Cactus Jack on September 04, 2002 at 15:37:51:
I started from just a regular short haircut; no buzzcut. My bangs were an inch or so above my eyebrows, and my bangs have always been longer than the hair anywhere else on my head. I didn't actually decide to let it grow long until April, so I already had some hair to begin with. Also, I forgot to mention that I had a trim in May, because my mother insisted that I needed to get it 'styled'. =\ It didn't turn out well at all - it was just like my hair already was, just a bit shorter. So I'll never do that again. But thankfully, my hair has bounced back from that traumatic experience I subjected it to. =P