Strange Restaruant Experience
Posted by tommy turbo on September 04, 2002 at 00:37:58: Previous Next
I was eating out last night at a restaruant near me, Black Angus, it is a steak house. My hair is below my shoulders now. After we were seated, I was with family, the waitress seemed really funny, she kept staring at me, and she dropped or spilled a bunch of things, allways while looking at me. I think like three knifes, and mixed up the order too. Very strange. I think she was flirting a little.
What made it more strange was while I was eating, This couple at a table across the room, kept looking at me, it was strange. They faced away from me, so they were turning around. I don't think they were trying to get the waitstaff or anything. I would be eating and get a funny feeling like somebody was watching me, I would look up and they would be starring at me. As soon as I looked up they would kinda look around or start eating again. She had really long black hair and he had dirty (color) blond shoulder length hair.
I felt like I was the center of attention. Anyway just thought I would share that. It was very weird.
Re: Strange Restaruant Experience
Posted by Paul on September 04, 2002 at 08:20:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Strange Restaruant Experience posted by tommy turbo on September 04, 2002 at 00:37:58:
your self concious, relax and stop worrying about what other people think, be sure of who you are. I feel your personality and your integrity is what counts not your hair. Spend as much time thinking about thoes and your hair will be just what it is ,,,, a topping to a great person!
Re: Strange Restaruant Experience
Posted by longhair43 on September 04, 2002 at 09:16:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Strange Restaruant Experience posted by tommy turbo on September 04, 2002 at 00:37:58:
I've had similar experiences. I just usually smile and wave. I've even gotten up and gone over to the "staring" persons table and asked "Do I know you?" in really exceptional cases. Believe me, either technique sure does make the staring quit.
Just put it down to:
You are incredibly attractive, so much so that you attract both sexes.
You look like someone famous!
Restaruant happens!
Posted by LucksKind on September 04, 2002 at 09:30:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Strange Restaruant Experience posted by tommy turbo on September 04, 2002 at 00:37:58:
....that's all part of the experience of being a 'Longhair'..right?
Encounters with the awestruck
Posted by Bill on September 04, 2002 at 10:16:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Strange Restaruant Experience posted by tommy turbo on September 04, 2002 at 00:37:58:
: I was eating out last night at a restaruant near me, Black Angus, it is a steak house. My hair is below my shoulders now. After we were seated, I was with family, the waitress seemed really funny, she kept staring at me, and she dropped or spilled a bunch of things, allways while looking at me. I think like three knifes, and mixed up the order too. Very strange. I think she was flirting a little.
: What made it more strange was while I was eating, This couple at a table across the room, kept looking at me, it was strange. They faced away from me, so they were turning around. I don't think they were trying to get the waitstaff or anything. I would be eating and get a funny feeling like somebody was watching me, I would look up and they would be starring at me. As soon as I looked up they would kinda look around or start eating again. She had really long black hair and he had dirty (color) blond shoulder length hair.
: I felt like I was the center of attention. Anyway just thought I would share that. It was very weird.
This sort of thing has happened to me, too, since I've had long hair. Usually it's a brief smile, though sometimes the awestruck individual will actually wave. One blatant instance of this stands out above all others though. I was in a Denny's-type restaurant in a rural town, and a snaggletoothed guy about 65 kept looking at me and smiling from about thirty feet (nine meters) away. I didn't feel threatened about it since he was old and not very big, I mainly felt amused. This went on for at least half an hour. He was with his wife and another couple it appeared, though I don't think he said anything to them about me. They left shortly before I did, and I passed him on the sidewalk leading to the parking lot. I said, "How's it goin' guy," and I think I made his day. No, from the big grin on his face, probably his year.
One other incident also really stands out in my mind. I was on the ferry from Victoria to Vancouver, and a group of about ten Chinese ladies kept looking at me from about twenty feet (six meters) away and giggling among themselves. Finally one of them got up, walked over to where I was, and sat in the seat next to me. All her friends' cameras popped up, and they snapped her picture. She got up and walked back over to them and in all that time she, nor any of the others, ever said a word to me, though maybe they didn't know English. I'd assume she had told her friends she had some kind of interest in me (a crush on me perhaps) and they had been razzing her about it. :-)
I've also been photographed by tourists numerous times, and when this happens it is always a surprise, though I've gotten accustomed to it to the point I'm not flustered anymore. I just tell 'em to go for it and smile. "Hey, they like me!" I realize should invoke pleasant thoughts.
I get positive reactions far more than negative ones. The only ones of that kind were two different times where people got up when I sat next to them on a bus, and moved to another part of the coach. What went through my mind in a twisted way was, "Gee, what power I have!"
Re: Encounters with the awestruck
Posted by Victor on September 04, 2002 at 12:07:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: Encounters with the awestruck posted by Bill on September 04, 2002 at 10:16:19:
: I've also been photographed by tourists numerous times
I can vouch for this. Bill, remember when I visited you and you took me for a walk along Haight St. A limo stopped at the intersection of Haight and Ashbury, someone popped out of the roof, and took our picture.
Re: Encounters with the awestruck
Posted by Bill on September 04, 2002 at 15:54:55: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Encounters with the awestruck posted by Victor on September 04, 2002 at 12:07:06:
: : I've also been photographed by tourists numerous times
: I can vouch for this. Bill, remember when I visited you and you took me for a walk along Haight St. A limo stopped at the intersection of Haight and Ashbury, someone popped out of the roof, and took our picture.
Oh yeah! I forgot about that time! :-)
Re: Encounters with the awestruck
Posted by SFMike on September 06, 2002 at 09:05:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Encounters with the awestruck posted by Victor on September 04, 2002 at 12:07:06:
: : I've also been photographed by tourists numerous times
: I can vouch for this. Bill, remember when I visited you and you took me for a walk along Haight St. A limo stopped at the intersection of Haight and Ashbury, someone popped out of the roof, and took our picture.
Yeah, me, too Victor! Bills a great guy!
Re: Encounters with the awestruck
Posted by slacker on September 05, 2002 at 19:23:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: Encounters with the awestruck posted by Bill on September 04, 2002 at 10:16:19:
: : I was eating out last night at a restaruant near me, Black Angus, it is a steak house. My hair is below my shoulders now. After we were seated, I was with family, the waitress seemed really funny, she kept staring at me, and she dropped or spilled a bunch of things, allways while looking at me. I think like three knifes, and mixed up the order too. Very strange. I think she was flirting a little.
: : What made it more strange was while I was eating, This couple at a table across the room, kept looking at me, it was strange. They faced away from me, so they were turning around. I don't think they were trying to get the waitstaff or anything. I would be eating and get a funny feeling like somebody was watching me, I would look up and they would be starring at me. As soon as I looked up they would kinda look around or start eating again. She had really long black hair and he had dirty (color) blond shoulder length hair.
: : I felt like I was the center of attention. Anyway just thought I would share that. It was very weird.
: This sort of thing has happened to me, too, since I've had long hair. Usually it's a brief smile, though sometimes the awestruck individual will actually wave. One blatant instance of this stands out above all others though. I was in a Denny's-type restaurant in a rural town, and a snaggletoothed guy about 65 kept looking at me and smiling from about thirty feet (nine meters) away. I didn't feel threatened about it since he was old and not very big, I mainly felt amused. This went on for at least half an hour. He was with his wife and another couple it appeared, though I don't think he said anything to them about me. They left shortly before I did, and I passed him on the sidewalk leading to the parking lot. I said, "How's it goin' guy," and I think I made his day. No, from the big grin on his face, probably his year.
: One other incident also really stands out in my mind. I was on the ferry from Victoria to Vancouver, and a group of about ten Chinese ladies kept looking at me from about twenty feet (six meters) away and giggling among themselves. Finally one of them got up, walked over to where I was, and sat in the seat next to me. All her friends' cameras popped up, and they snapped her picture. She got up and walked back over to them and in all that time she, nor any of the others, ever said a word to me, though maybe they didn't know English. I'd assume she had told her friends she had some kind of interest in me (a crush on me perhaps) and they had been razzing her about it. :-)
: I've also been photographed by tourists numerous times, and when this happens it is always a surprise, though I've gotten accustomed to it to the point I'm not flustered anymore. I just tell 'em to go for it and smile. "Hey, they like me!" I realize should invoke pleasant thoughts.
: I get positive reactions far more than negative ones. The only ones of that kind were two different times where people got up when I sat next to them on a bus, and moved to another part of the coach. What went through my mind in a twisted way was, "Gee, what power I have!"
Hope you don't have a mullet. Theres some sites out there that go around photgraphing mullets to post on their site and make fun of. They are really funny, too. I don't care for mullets.
Re: Strange Restaruant Experience
Posted by lmhgvl on September 04, 2002 at 15:15:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: Strange Restaruant Experience posted by tommy turbo on September 04, 2002 at 00:37:58:
I get the "looks", no matter where I go. I have even had some people come up to me and just blurt out, "Don't you ever get tired with your hair always falling down in your face?" I just simply reply, "No, have a nice day!"
Re: Strange Restaruant Experience
Posted by slacker on September 05, 2002 at 19:20:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Strange Restaruant Experience posted by tommy turbo on September 04, 2002 at 00:37:58:
: I was eating out last night at a restaruant near me, Black Angus, it is a steak house. My hair is below my shoulders now. After we were seated, I was with family, the waitress seemed really funny, she kept staring at me, and she dropped or spilled a bunch of things, allways while looking at me. I think like three knifes, and mixed up the order too. Very strange. I think she was flirting a little.
: What made it more strange was while I was eating, This couple at a table across the room, kept looking at me, it was strange. They faced away from me, so they were turning around. I don't think they were trying to get the waitstaff or anything. I would be eating and get a funny feeling like somebody was watching me, I would look up and they would be starring at me. As soon as I looked up they would kinda look around or start eating again. She had really long black hair and he had dirty (color) blond shoulder length hair.
: I felt like I was the center of attention. Anyway just thought I would share that. It was very weird.
They must have been into long hair, considering they both had it themselves. Maybe they thought yours looked better. =)