Strange Restaruant Experience

Strange Restaruant Experience
Posted by tommy turbo on September 04, 2002 at 00:37:58: Previous Next

I was eating out last night at a restaruant near me, Black Angus, it is a steak house. My hair is below my shoulders now. After we were seated, I was with family, the waitress seemed really funny, she kept staring at me, and she dropped or spilled a bunch of things, allways while looking at me. I think like three knifes, and mixed up the order too. Very strange. I think she was flirting a little.

What made it more strange was while I was eating, This couple at a table across the room, kept looking at me, it was strange. They faced away from me, so they were turning around. I don't think they were trying to get the waitstaff or anything. I would be eating and get a funny feeling like somebody was watching me, I would look up and they would be starring at me. As soon as I looked up they would kinda look around or start eating again. She had really long black hair and he had dirty (color) blond shoulder length hair.

I felt like I was the center of attention. Anyway just thought I would share that. It was very weird.

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