SO WHAT's a Longhair afterall...

SO WHAT's a Longhair afterall...
Posted by LucksKind on September 05, 2002 at 21:51:31: Previous Next

...SO MANY definitions and pictures...don't know WHAT to think anymore...

...IS THERE a definition?
...Then WHAT is IT?

...Some think it's any hair length covering the ears...
...Others say 'NOSE length'.....'chin length'...

....'TO the SHOULDERS'....
...'Just beyond the shoulders'.....

....'SHOULDER BLADES'....say others....

....NO! ....'mid-back'....

....HA..HA....'it's WAIST-LENGTH' (if THAT's your terminal growth)...

...and SO....a 'WAIST-LENGTH' looks at a 'SHOULDER-LENGTH'...

....and thinks WHAT?

..... PLEASE

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