
Posted by Skarred Orange on September 06, 2002 at 15:53:19: Previous Next

Today was the first day back to school, and just as the day was finishing my head of house calls me over and tells me that I have to cut my hair to above the ears. When I got home I broke down and told my mother about it, and she went to talk with the head of house about it. Apparently it's a rule and so there's nothing that can be done about it, so my dad being the bastard he is, made me get the haircut, and then has the nerve to say it's not short enough when it's finished, almost adding insult to injury.

I did some research though. I'm wondering if someone can help me out. - Human Rights Act on Schools in The Uk.

"My school has a clear dress code - can we keep it?
The right to privacy does not entitle pupils or staff to dress or wear their hair as they please
- you may continue to impose a dress code, particularly where it exists to promote safety or decency.

But you must make sure the dress code is clearly understood by and known to all staff and pupils. You should also ensure that it doesn't discriminate against pupils of different sexes, religions or races. For example, religious dress codes and sensitivities can demand tolerance even where this conflicts with the general rule.

Make sure that any punishment for breaching the code is proportionate to the offence. For example, if a pupil wears jewellery in contravention of the code, a teacher could confiscate it - making sure to return it by the end of the day. But to exclude a pupil for not wearing uniform may be considered to be unlawful, unless s/he has already flouted the code repeatedly and been disciplined for doing so."

Now what I'm wondering is since they allow girls to have long AND short, spikey hair, I'm wondering if what they did was illegal?

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