Posted by Skarred Orange on September 06, 2002 at 15:53:19: Previous Next
Today was the first day back to school, and just as the day was finishing my head of house calls me over and tells me that I have to cut my hair to above the ears. When I got home I broke down and told my mother about it, and she went to talk with the head of house about it. Apparently it's a rule and so there's nothing that can be done about it, so my dad being the bastard he is, made me get the haircut, and then has the nerve to say it's not short enough when it's finished, almost adding insult to injury.
I did some research though. I'm wondering if someone can help me out. - Human Rights Act on Schools in The Uk.
"My school has a clear dress code - can we keep it?
The right to privacy does not entitle pupils or staff to dress or wear their hair as they please
- you may continue to impose a dress code, particularly where it exists to promote safety or decency.
But you must make sure the dress code is clearly understood by and known to all staff and pupils. You should also ensure that it doesn't discriminate against pupils of different sexes, religions or races. For example, religious dress codes and sensitivities can demand tolerance even where this conflicts with the general rule.
Make sure that any punishment for breaching the code is proportionate to the offence. For example, if a pupil wears jewellery in contravention of the code, a teacher could confiscate it - making sure to return it by the end of the day. But to exclude a pupil for not wearing uniform may be considered to be unlawful, unless s/he has already flouted the code repeatedly and been disciplined for doing so."
Now what I'm wondering is since they allow girls to have long AND short, spikey hair, I'm wondering if what they did was illegal?
It's archaic I tell you...
Posted by LucksKind on September 06, 2002 at 19:17:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: Frustrated posted by Skarred Orange on September 06, 2002 at 15:53:19:
: "Now what I'm wondering is since they allow girls to have long AND short, spikey hair, I'm wondering if what they did was illegal?"
Well, if it's SHOULD be...
I bet somebody with a good lawyer could challenge it in court and
Re: Frustrated
Posted by Remi on September 06, 2002 at 19:55:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: Frustrated posted by Skarred Orange on September 06, 2002 at 15:53:19:
Just say that you are a girl (even if you're not) so you want long hair because girls are allowed to have long hair.
Re: Frustrated
Posted by otto on September 06, 2002 at 20:00:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: Frustrated posted by Skarred Orange on September 06, 2002 at 15:53:19:
Man, so so sorry to here your story...i think it was your pics i seen not long ago and they were so encouraging to me.
Please try and keep your hair at a length that makes it easier to grow out when you eventually escape (& u will!) the realm of the narrow minded fascist bastards...AKA: the powers that be.
I hope you can find peace to live with your situation for this short while. And on the grand scale of things your time at school is only for a short while.
I’m not a lawyer, but I’m sure there are some on this board that could help you with a legal strategy if that’s what you choose to do.
In my opinion, an education is a seriously powerful tool. Getting tied up in a legal battle could only undermine your success in your studies.
I realize my words are cold comfort right now. But I feel that this discrimination that we (longhairs) face from time to time is something that can only be exterminated fully from within. So I say: stay a longhair at heart, let your bad experience drive your success, find a position of power and then beat these bastards at their own fucking games.
Good luck with whatever you choose to do - and be sure to stay with us.
Re: Frustrated
Posted by Skarred Orange on September 08, 2002 at 09:55:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Frustrated posted by otto on September 06, 2002 at 20:00:36:
: Man, so so sorry to here your story...i think it was your pics i seen not long ago and they were so encouraging to me.
: Please try and keep your hair at a length that makes it easier to grow out when you eventually escape (& u will!) the realm of the narrow minded fascist bastards...AKA: the powers that be.
: I hope you can find peace to live with your situation for this short while. And on the grand scale of things your time at school is only for a short while.
: I’m not a lawyer, but I’m sure there are some on this board that could help you with a legal strategy if that’s what you choose to do.
: In my opinion, an education is a seriously powerful tool. Getting tied up in a legal battle could only undermine your success in your studies.
: I realize my words are cold comfort right now. But I feel that this discrimination that we (longhairs) face from time to time is something that can only be exterminated fully from within. So I say: stay a longhair at heart, let your bad experience drive your success, find a position of power and then beat these bastards at their own fucking games.
: Good luck with whatever you choose to do - and be sure to stay with us.
Well I have an "agreement" with the head of house, that I can let it grow as long as I cut it at the beginning of every term. Some fucking consolation that is. 2 Years of this :-/.
Re: Frustrated
Posted by slacker on September 07, 2002 at 01:17:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: Frustrated posted by Skarred Orange on September 06, 2002 at 15:53:19:
: Today was the first day back to school, and just as the day was finishing my head of house calls me over and tells me that I have to cut my hair to above the ears. When I got home I broke down and told my mother about it, and she went to talk with the head of house about it. Apparently it's a rule and so there's nothing that can be done about it, so my dad being the bastard he is, made me get the haircut, and then has the nerve to say it's not short enough when it's finished, almost adding insult to injury.
: But you must make sure the dress code is clearly understood by and known to all staff and pupils. You should also ensure that it doesn't discriminate against pupils of different sexes, religions or races. For example, religious dress codes and sensitivities can demand tolerance even where this conflicts with the general rule.
The rules descriminate against race, religion, and sex.
First of all, hair above the ears, what does that mean? what hair? I get clipper cuts, and in a few weeks the sides are over my ears, the hair is not even an inch long.
Oh, ok, no hair over the ears? If your hair is in a pony tail is it over the ears? Say you have a "short" undercut, like a bowel cut, the hair on top is maybe 6-7 inches. Slick the top back; Ok, no hair over my ears! Say you got long hair all over. comb all the hair up or back toward the crown, then ponytail it at the crown. What hair over my ears?
By this definition, a mohawk is ok (and should be), but a bowl cut is out. Feel free to spike your hair out in every direction, but make sure the spikes by your ears go back, not down. Go ahead, shave your whole head and leave bangs down to your nose.
What kind of stupid, ambiguous rule is that.
Racist. What about an afro? Those can be HUGE, unkempt, but not over the ear. Are cornrows ok?
Sexist. Why only women? Maybe because they associate long hair on guys as dirty. Lemme tell ya, I'm fresh out of high school and in college, and I think the girls overall have a marginal victory over guys in the dirty, unwashed category. Its close. Many guy's long hair is much more "presentable."
Religion/Ethnic. Some religions/ethnicities wear their hair very long, and do not believe in cutting it. Some also have long beards and goatees, which I'm sure aren't allowed either.
Thank God I went to public school. But then again, it sucked because its in the ghetto.
Armed guards, Drug searches, weapons, no backpacks, no large clothing like jackets, no hats, no cell phones, no beepers, no cd players, lockdowns, all but one entranced locked...metal detectors are being considered. No spaghetti straps, no bare shoulders, no bare midriff, shorts/skirts to the knee, no alcohol/cigarrette shirts....
I studied in a police state =(.
But we could wear our hair however our little hearts desired, there was one rule I beleive, if your hair interferes with class or is a distraction, etc, you have to go home and fix it/wash it.
This was never enforced, although I think there were a few cases that woulda been justified, there were some students that just didnt wash, smelled awful, and some of their hair naturally dreaded.
Ever seen long hair unwashed for a month? It is so crusty and disgusting.