fashion do: Longhair?!?!
Posted by gilee7 on September 06, 2002 at 16:29:12: Previous Next
Every Thurs. our newspaper carries a part just for teens. It includes stuff about school, movies, music, etc. Yesterday it had fashion do's and fashion don'ts. One of the fashion don'ts was not to put gel in your hair. It then says, "The guys who get the girl's attention these days are letting their hair grow out so that plenty hangs from under the baseball cap. (extra points for guys who have naturally curly hair and let it grow "wild")" How bout that??
Re: fashion do: Longhair?!?!
Posted by CJ-new guy on September 06, 2002 at 17:30:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: fashion do: Longhair?!?! posted by gilee7 on September 06, 2002 at 16:29:12:
THe Justin Guarini effect.... I think this whole new trend towards wild curls stems from that American idol show....
Re: fashion do: Longhair?!?!
Posted by SPEEDRACER on September 09, 2002 at 16:00:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: fashion do: Longhair?!?! posted by CJ-new guy on September 06, 2002 at 17:30:32:
: THe Justin Guarini effect.... I think this whole new trend towards wild curls stems from that American idol show....
God, help us all if this world gets taken over by a bunch a Justin Wannabes!!! I am not one to say anything is "stupid", each his own...but I really hope that now that the show is over we can all forget about Justin and let him - and his hair - slowly fade away!!! More power to you if that's the hair you like, but not for me...not yesterday, not today, and not tomorrow.
Re: fashion do: Longhair?!?!
Posted by Resonance on September 06, 2002 at 18:50:27: Previous Next
In Reply to: fashion do: Longhair?!?! posted by gilee7 on September 06, 2002 at 16:29:12:
: "The guys who get the girl's attention these days are letting their hair grow out so that plenty hangs from under the baseball cap. (extra points for guys who have naturally curly hair and let it grow "wild")" How bout that??
Fashion = Fickle
Always has been, always will be...denim jeans are in a league of their own, obviously.
Still, I'd hardly call hair that hangs out from underneath a baseball cap to be truly 'long' - fashion trends generally don't last long enough for kids to grow a good head of hair, anyhow. Long hair is primarily for the people who genuinely want it.
Not using gel?
Posted by Timon on September 06, 2002 at 18:53:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: fashion do: Longhair?!?! posted by gilee7 on September 06, 2002 at 16:29:12:
One of the fashion don'ts was not to put gel in your hair. They mean that not using gel is bad? I personally hate the look of gel and the stiff feeling it gives but i guess thats just me. As for growing out and the 'wild' look they are probably right. This school year I'm noticing so many guys growing out their hair it aint even funny. And this is a school that used to be pretty much all buzzes on guys. The less discrimination of having long hair is nice but I liked how it used to make me it looks more like i'm following and once again just fitting in w/ the crowd. But I am optimistic that I will be one of the few to get past the awkward stage and keep it that way.
Its not always this complex
Posted by slacker on September 06, 2002 at 20:47:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: fashion do: Longhair?!?! posted by gilee7 on September 06, 2002 at 16:29:12:
Not everyone grows their hair out because they think it looks good, to be in fashion, to be trendy, to get girls, whatever.
Some don't wanna bother with constant haircuts, some can't afford constant haircuts, some just keep roughly the same haircut they've had for years, short or long, because its good enough for them.
And, a lot of people really don't care.
Personally, I can afford constant haircuts but I think it is a waste of money. I get mine cut fairly short, then wait until cutting my hair would be an improvement (in my opinion). This is when because it is so thick it gets uncontrollable, and hot, in the summer. This is about 2-3 months for me.
If I get my haircut every 4 weeks, it doesn't look any better when I walk out their door than when I walked in, just different. Not that they don't cut it well. I go to Hair Cuttery and the majority of the girls are good and listen. Its really more of a barber, than a salon, or whatever you call the fancy places where they charge 20 bucks for haircuts and they do business ladie's hair.
They do exactly what you say. If Hair Cuttery's in general are this good all over, I highly recommend it to you all. They know all about how to do undercuts right, too. They cut mostly men's hair, which is a big advantage over the salons, who tend to specialize in "Doing" hair, women's hair.
Re: fashion do: Longhair?!?!
Posted by SixStringThing on September 06, 2002 at 21:53:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: fashion do: Longhair?!?! posted by gilee7 on September 06, 2002 at 16:29:12:
In my high school there also seems to be tons of people growing their hair out. But it's not LONG HAIR that's popular, it's awkward stage hair, nothing longer than shoulder lenght. At least in my city (san antonio TX) this seems to be the look that many people around my age (im 17) seem to be going for and girls seem to really like it. But anything longer than shoulder lenght is considered "not cool", there's only about 4-5 (and me when my hair gets longer) "real longhairs" in my school, out of almost 3,000 students so what does that tell you?
Same here!
Posted by Polska on September 07, 2002 at 01:26:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: fashion do: Longhair?!?! posted by SixStringThing on September 06, 2002 at 21:53:56:
Im also seventeen and alot of guys in my school(located in Vancouver)are starting to grow their thair long too. We have three popular styles(all shoulder length or less). The first and most polpular is the messy in your face skater style. Next is the uncut(so its long in the back too) parted and behind the ears "hockey hair". And lastly, theres a couple guys with very well kept mini afros.
Re: fashion do: Longhair?!?!
Posted by Erin on September 07, 2002 at 08:16:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: fashion do: Longhair?!?! posted by SixStringThing on September 06, 2002 at 21:53:56:
It's the same at my school. I can only think of one or two guys with hair long enough for a ponytail, and that's it. And their hair isn't that long, either. *sighs*
-Erin, female lurker :)
: In my high school there also seems to be tons of people growing their hair out. But it's not LONG HAIR that's popular, it's awkward stage hair, nothing longer than shoulder lenght.
Re: fashion do: Longhair?!?!
Posted by Barry on September 08, 2002 at 12:59:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: fashion do: Longhair?!?! posted by SixStringThing on September 06, 2002 at 21:53:56:
Hi! If the guys with 'growing out'hair want long hair, it's obviously not going to happen overnight. Best watch how things go over the next year or so!
cheers, B