This Goes Out To...

This Goes Out To...
Posted by Treyn on September 09, 2002 at 20:59:50: Previous Next

Fitmus, LucksKind, Otto, Longhairluv, Rudy, Wolf, BRGallagher, SixStringThing, ScotsmanJohn, HairGarden, Petros, Tekmatai, Hair Religion, (sorry if I missed anyone)...

Thanks a lot for all the encouragement and kind words and for reminding me of my past enthusiasm towards growing my hair. Man, I gotta say, you guys are sharp as a tack when it comes to remembering what people write in their posts. Didn't realize that I was paid so much attention. Quiet a few of you guys qouted me on "Keep It Long, Right Or Wrong" and that is exactly what I am going to do. I will give it till it hits mid-back and then decide. But I know what the verdict will be anyway, cause by then I will have reached beyond my wildest dreams. Thanks again to all, I figured this was the best way to reply to all involved! PEACE!!!!!

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