help me understand this
Posted by Erik on September 14, 2002 at 18:40:40: Previous Next
Ok, recently I have been noticing that my scalp has been shedding alot of hairs in a day. About a month ago it was not like this. Now its like I brush my hair gently and 4 hairs are on the thing. I constantly have to brush my shoulders and back off because hair seems to cling to it for some reason. One of my friends even said he thinks im shedding because I got all this hair of mine on my shirts and just sitting at my table at school I will notice that I have dropped like 2 or 3 hairs. I know im not going bald or anything because im only 16. Or can I? My hair seems real healthy. I wash and conditition everyday now because my scalp produces tons of oil and is terrible looking when not washed. Can maybe the washing have somthing to do with it? It use to be that I wouldent loose this many hairs in a day and the ones I did loose where the ones that where all kinky looking and had this zig-zag thing going on with them even though I have really straight hair. Now im loosing long hairs that look great and have good length to them to. I think this is what is causing this frizz I get too. Its like new hairs growing in that stick up here and there. and some of my new bangs that are growing out dont reach behind my ears as the others so thats a pain. Well I'm tired of typing. Is there anything I can do about this or should I just let it pass by like the months or maybe a year now that Its just been growing. Hey just thought of somthing. Could maybe it be the stress since school has started? I sure hope not because I cant prevent that.
Re: help me understand this
Posted by Chris on September 14, 2002 at 19:38:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: help me understand this posted by Erik on September 14, 2002 at 18:40:40:
: Ok, recently I have been noticing that my scalp has been shedding alot of hairs in a day. About a month ago it was not like this. Now its like I brush my hair gently and 4 hairs are on the thing. I constantly have to brush my shoulders and back off because hair seems to cling to it for some reason. One of my friends even said he thinks im shedding because I got all this hair of mine on my shirts and just sitting at my table at school I will notice that I have dropped like 2 or 3 hairs. I know im not going bald or anything because im only 16. Or can I? My hair seems real healthy. I wash and conditition everyday now because my scalp produces tons of oil and is terrible looking when not washed. Can maybe the washing have somthing to do with it? It use to be that I wouldent loose this many hairs in a day and the ones I did loose where the ones that where all kinky looking and had this zig-zag thing going on with them even though I have really straight hair. Now im loosing long hairs that look great and have good length to them to. I think this is what is causing this frizz I get too. Its like new hairs growing in that stick up here and there. and some of my new bangs that are growing out dont reach behind my ears as the others so thats a pain. Well I'm tired of typing. Is there anything I can do about this or should I just let it pass by like the months or maybe a year now that Its just been growing. Hey just thought of somthing. Could maybe it be the stress since school has started? I sure hope not because I cant prevent that.
Hey man. Well, I hate to say it, but it is possible to start going bald as early as 16. Are your father and grandfater bald? If they are, then most likely you'll lose your hair too. It's normal to lose hair, and you notice it a lot more as your get longer, but to see it all over your desk and shoulders doesn't sound normal. Stress could lead to some hair loss, but everyone has stress. It would take extreme stress to cause any noticeable loss of hair, in my opinion. I'm sorry, I guess I really don't have any helpful advice for you. Good luck. I say just keep growing and see how it goes, and be good to your hair.
shedding hair
Posted by j.s. on September 15, 2002 at 05:31:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: help me understand this posted by Erik on September 14, 2002 at 18:40:40:
it's normal to lose hair--- part of the natural growth cycle. you mention that you just noticed this-- how much time have you had longer hair? are you still growing? longer hairs are more noticable than shorter ones. take a close look at your hair- pay attention to the density on top. if it doesn't appear to be thinner then you probably have nothing to be concerned about.
Re: help me understand this
Posted by NorCal Scott on September 16, 2002 at 20:41:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: help me understand this posted by Erik on September 14, 2002 at 18:40:40:
yes, male pattern baldness can start as soon as you hit puberty. That's when male hormones start acting on the hair. There are a small number of men who are essentially bald by their late 20s.
Baldness is genetically determined. It can come from either, or both, sides of the family. If you have parents or grandparents who are bald or balding, you may be susceptible. (My sister was married to a bald guy, and my nephew is about 1/2 bald at 29. Her hair is thin, too! So her son got a double whammy.)
Go to a dermatologist if baldness runs in your family.
The good news is that you have years to do something about it. It's a proven fact that you can loose 1/2 of your hair before you even notice it.
And there are prescriptions and over-the-counter medications that will slow down, stop, or even grow hair back. (Propecia and minoxidil.)
The main thing to do is to relax about it. Worrying will only cause you to stress out more.
: Ok, recently I have been noticing that my scalp has been shedding
alot of hairs in a day.