convertibles and "backwind"

convertibles and "backwind"
Posted by Steven W on September 15, 2002 at 22:12:39: Previous Next

I've been driving around my old 450SL quite a lot this summer with the top off, and my hair blowing in the wind, but I have had a bit of a problem with the air currents in it. I typically wear my hair in a ponytail when at work, and to and from. I need to also wear a baseball cap backwords though when driving in the car. My head pokes above the windsheild a little bit, but that is not the problem. The problem stems from the amount of turblence that develops just behind the windshield. Right there, the wind sort of blows forward, carrying my hair forward and around my face. The fact that my head pokes above the top of the windshield helps a little bit, but I was wondering if there was a way to minimise this turbulence, such as adding a small airfoil to the edge of the mirror, or some other method to direct wind into my face, and keep the air from blowing backwords.

Anybody else drive a convertible? What do you do to combat this problem?

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