Just spouting off
Posted by Girl E Boy on September 24, 2002 at 21:05:47: Previous Next
Hi folks,
I used to drop by this board now and again, great place and congrats to all you guys who buck the tide. I certainly did for years. I used to have long hair and totally prefer it. Unfortunately, though she married me in my long hair, my wife prefers me in the ridiculous generic very short yuppie cut that nearly every stupid frat-boy sports, or businessman idiot stooge sports. I think women now are just programed from birth to prefer men who look like two-year old boys with big muscles.
Anyway that's the dumb haircut I have now, and not because I caved in, but because I am taking a much needed break.
Ironically, I actually look GREAT in long hair, that is if it were STRAIGHT and MANAGEABLE or if I could grow the MESS I have mid-back length so the weight held it down. It ain't, and I can't.
Though I inherited the fine Scandinavian facial features, I am cursed with a course, DIRT-blonde, frizz-wavey, uncontrolable hair type and YES, I tried all kinds of products and straighteners for years to mellow it out. If I blow-dried it straight it hung in there for about 1/2 hour. And during that time I often reicieved the comments (from women) "gee, if you were a girl you would have beautiful hair"...etc. You mean because I am a guy my beautiful hair is ugly?!!!!
Unfortunately, I was never able to grow it much past the very top of my shoulders and blow drying and lot of products was a must. It was so thick and volumnous that too it made me kind of self-concious if I didn't have it in a ponytail because people stared. When I did have it tied back the loose pieces stuck out like messy springs.
I have been HUGELY frustrated with long hair because my hair just never looked "girl-good." I do not know what the hell women do to have such outstanding long hair. Or perhaps it only the one's blessed with those thick, long majestic tresses that I notice, and the ones walking around with crops probably have hair like mine. And even the total "mess" type hair looks good on a cute woman.
I know I will try long hair again in a few years. Perhaps I will have better luck.
I would love to hear some of your own stories and comments.
Re: Just spouting off
Posted by SixStringThing on September 24, 2002 at 22:02:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: Just spouting off posted by Girl E Boy on September 24, 2002 at 21:05:47:
If all else fails and you just can't stand your hair yet you really want to have it long you could go with dreadlocks. Not everyones cup of tea but it's better than a buzzcut.
Re: Just spouting off
Posted by Girl E Boy on September 25, 2002 at 08:46:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Just spouting off posted by SixStringThing on September 24, 2002 at 22:02:45:
Hi Six,
Sure, dreads would be simple a simple option for my hair type but I never liked that style at all. I always though it looked really dirty. Silky-smooth Panteen hair, that would do it for me but it ain't gonna happen unless I grow it all out and pay $600 bones for that new straightening treatment, I forget what it's called. Next time I grow it out I will try and come to terms with the waviness and just focus on reducing the FRIZZ