Don't Make The Same Mistake I made
Posted by Ian on September 25, 2002 at 08:20:42: Previous Next
Hello Everyone. My name is Ian and I'm a 20 year old college student in Boston. I've been growing my hair since I was 13, and only have had the split ends trimmed in all that time. My hair reached about 2-3 inches past my waist, and seemed to pause at that length, even with0out it being cut...but that was fine with me, since I thought the length was great. My parents are very op and livberal, and my Dad also has extremely long hair, so that was never an issue. I was also raised in a nudist environment, so weere were always quite open and honest with each other. Over the summer, I tried out for a play in Bostson that sounded like it would be fun, and also required a lot of nudity, so I readliy got the part. However, I was required to get a severe haircut (one of those typical buzz crap cuts). I almost died when I realized that was required, and did my nest to talk the director out of it...however he would not budge. My parents told me to drop out of the play if if upset me, but I thought...I'll just go through with it, which I did. Well...the play was OK, but not great...and the haircut was so SO traumatic, that I wept like a baby as the clippers stole my prized possession. I wanted to stop mid-way, but, of course, that would have been ridiculous. I was literally sick by the time my haircut ended, and my buddies told me I looked like a naked dork on stage. PLEASE don't let anyone EVER talk you into a shearing.
Posted by The Rev on September 25, 2002 at 10:05:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: Don't Make The Same Mistake I made posted by Ian on September 25, 2002 at 08:20:42:
From waist-length to a buzz?! That HAD to have hurt! Reading your story made me feel the same way as I do when I see a guy get kicked in the nuts. I got sympathy pains. In fact, I just put a hat on.
The Rev
ps. You're growing it back now, right?
Re: Don't Make The Same Mistake I made
Posted by Rudy on September 25, 2002 at 11:56:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: Don't Make The Same Mistake I made posted by Ian on September 25, 2002 at 08:20:42:
So sorry, man. I remember how I felt when I had to cut my shoulder-blade length for an interview, so I can appreciate how much worse. Thanks for sharing the warning with us, difficult though it may have been to write about it.
Now - don't let some people talk you into "see how cool it is with short hair" and all that nonsense. All the best with regrowing it.
So Sorry, Guy. I remember
Posted by Steven on September 25, 2002 at 12:22:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Don't Make The Same Mistake I made posted by Rudy on September 25, 2002 at 11:56:58:
Hi Ian. Wow, your story really made me feel sick to my stomach. I remember being 19, and being drafted into the Army in 1969. I was a major hippie with ass-length hair, too, like you had, and I'll tell; you- standing in line in my underwear, with lots of other guys, hearing the sound of the clippers getting close and closer made me nearly pass out. When I sat down in the chair, I started to cry, and that only made things worse, but when I saw my hair hitting the floor, I almost joined it. What I CAN tell you, is that it'll grow back.