Growing Bangs Longer

Growing Bangs Longer
Posted by Tony on September 27, 2002 at 02:34:18: Previous Next


I am looking for something that can make my front hair (bangs) grow longer. I am a 32 yeard old male and in the very front my bangs grow to the tip of my nose. But going along the hairline to either side, the side bangs are extremely short - probably only a half an inch.

So what I need is something that can make my frontal hair grow long - I'm thinking about 6 inches or so. I know hair has a predetermined length it can reach. But there has got to be a way to alter this in some way, shape or form. Because when I was younger I was able to grow longer bangs, why can't I now if hair has a predetermined length then I should be able to achieve the length I used to get when I was younger.

I want to eventually obtain the look Antonio Banderas had in Desperado. Growing out the back hair and sides is no problem....but the bangs is.

Thank you for your help.

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