Hello again

Hello again
Posted by Nyghtfall on September 30, 2002 at 17:37:02: Previous Next

Several of you may remember me. I tend to take long hiatuses from the board, and am back once again. I trust everyone is doing well?

Having returned, I'd like to share a recent picture I took of myself. This is a few months old, and I have since shaved my beard off.

I also have a new personal web site that you're welcome to visit. It contains an older picture of me, taken about a year ago, with a 35mm camera (also sans beard).

I'm not sure how often I'll be contributing to the discussions. I usually wind up lurking for a while, just to see what everyone's up to, before posting again. In any event, it feels nice to be back once again.

BTW: I've recently come into about $50 and am finally going to be able to make an appointment for a long overdue trim. I've got about 2-3 inches worth of splits that have absolutely got to go before my hair will get any longer. Speaking of which, it's funny how the experience of growing long hair tends to inspire one's desire for even longer hair. When I first started growing it, I had every intention of stopping it at my chest. I've since become more and more addicted to it the longer it gets, and can't seem to settle for a set length. I'm not sure if or when that will happen, but I'm having fun letting it get longer.


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