Faster! Faster! Faster!

Faster! Faster! Faster!
Posted by Rokker on October 01, 2002 at 16:44:24: Previous Next

You can make your air grow real fast! Yes. It's true! Forget the 1/2" a month stuff! That's for ordinary people! You can have it grow real fast!

Buy some Scott's Weed & Feed! Add it to your hair. Water (but don't rinse) your hair twice a day! It gets rid of all split ends and actually feeds the scalp, making your hair grow real fast!

After two days, braid your hair then add some cow manure! Water once a day for a week!

After two weeks, you have over 12 months worth of hair growth! In a month, your hair will be over a foot long!

Of course I'm kidding. I'm making this post to prove a point. Your hair will not grow faster no matter what you do. You can't take vitamins and get super long hair any faster than if you don't take vitamins. Braiding your hair won't help. Massaging your scalp won't make any difference. Spending big bucks on miracle supplements are a waste too.

Science has proven that your hair grows at a certain rate...and that growth rate doesn't change. All you can do is take care of yourself and your body and accept your hair growth as is and WAIT!

Please...stop the "faster" hair growth posts. Just be patient and be happy that you have the hair to grow!

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