I cut

I cut
Posted by Chris on October 03, 2002 at 14:36:55: Previous Next

After 6 months of growing I cut... I just wasn't ready to grow it long yet. Too much responsibility for me at the moment. As you all know, growing long hair is a lot more than just not getting your hair cut. It takes a lot if will power and I really don't have it right now. It was taking too much out of me. Don't worry, I will grow it back. I've decided that I will get my last haircut on Dec. 31 and it will be like my New Year's resolution to grow my hair out. It will be a good way to observe my progress throughout the year too. I'm kind of disappointed that I had to cut it but it's just one of those things. I'll still be lurking around a lot and posting occasionally. Oh, by the way, I cut to about 3/8" length all around. Yeah, pretty short. Feels nice though. Well, I'm off to my new job orientation now (no, I did not cut it for this!). Take care guys.


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