Who inspired you?

Who inspired you?
Posted by nW0_Slapnut on October 06, 2002 at 04:44:14: Previous Next

If you could trace your conscious decision to break social norms by growing long hair to one person, celebrity or otherwise, who was it? While I grew up idolizing bowl-headed characters like He-Man, I never really cared much about styles for men's hair until commercials for the movie Terminator II started running. I remember opening up a magazing and being astounded by how distinguished Edward Furlong (who played mankind's savior, John Connor) looked as a young teenager. Granted, the length of his hair by no means meets the ideal which I now envy, but I just couldn't get over how independent his hair made him look. There was more to it than just the length: I was transfixed to see the dynamic which parted hair added to his facial complexion. You see, my father restricted himself to "mushroom" bowl cuts and never let the length of his hair exceed that of the style's. Naturally, I was made to look just like my father, so the very idea of parting one's hair to achieve such a look was beyond me. My hair wasn't buzzed, yet it never got to the length that impressive results could be achieved from parting it. Parting my hair would've just added a 'crack' to the bowl-ish-ness of it. Yes, me being the mama's boy that I was, I was just THAT lame, aestheticly speaking. It always made me upset to hear all the compliments that my sister would receive for her looks when we went to visit relatives. Granted, girls are taught to be pretty at a young age, but I never liked how when they'd turn to greet me, they'd never comment on any perceivable changes, but instead would resolve on saluting me with a simple "Hi, how are you?". My greetings from others always felt compromised.

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