Fast growing Hair on men...dangerous...

Fast growing Hair on men...dangerous...
Posted by LucksKind on October 14, 2002 at 10:47:13: Previous Next

I always WANTED hair to grow really FAST but thank God it does not.

As time went by I realized how much long hair needed 'getting used to.'
Had to learn to brush my hair more s-l-o-w-l-y or else OUCH!
Tangles were something that never used to happen but now it's a diffent story.
SLEEPing was easy when hair was shorter. NOW planning ahead is needed...
or wake up with a hair disaster.

Have to be CAREFUL NOW...
Careful of electric fans, fire, wind. The rain can be a devil too.
The longer-haired guys even have to watch urinals & bathrooms in general.

so it can be a BLESSing that hair only grows 1/2 inch (or 1.25cm)
per month so a person can get USED to it even on a subconscious level...
even though I still have lots of 'near misses' LOL

WHAT are you guys experiencing???

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