should I grow it.

should I grow it.
Posted by RobZombiefan1 on October 14, 2002 at 17:09:44: Previous Next

hey, I'm sort of overweight, ok I'm fat,and my face is kind of round, ok, it's very round, like an apple, but people keep telling me, well, atleast some people I talk to, that if I lost 50 to 80 pounds that my body would look thinner, and my face would go from looking like an apple to looking like a pear, so in other words it would get thinner, and I was wondering if after that if I would look better with long hair, and some hair on my face, and I don't mean a little thin goatee, or a fumanchu, and shoulder length hair either, because as you can tell from my name, I'm into the Rob Zombie, I'm the devil look, so I want like waiste long hair, and then I don't know if I want to dreadlock it or not (because you can't remove those) but I definetly want to braid all of my hair in long,tight,skinny braids, and then I want a very thick goatee and maybe a thick fumanchu aswell and then let the hair grow down off my chin and when it's long braid it in a long,tight,skinny braid, what do you guys think, by the way I'm goth just so you know why I like and want that look.

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