a sorry tale (tail)

a sorry tale (tail)
Posted by Magoo on October 15, 2002 at 09:56:43: Previous Next

Hi guys,

I am following this board for a while, and I am thankful for all the support you people giving. There must be a lot of guys like me just looking at this board and getting something from it, without actually participating but now I thought, “what the hell, do your bit”

I am growing my hair now for a lets say 11 months, and it’s a midlife thing as I am 37 now. I just think people with long hair look much less common. Yes, I know, the difference comes from within yourself and not from your hair bla bla bla but hey, if I meet a guy with long hair, he got 2 bonus points right from the beginning because its just different.
It is not even shoulder length yet, nothing serious at all, but I am already taking funny comments every single day. Its got something to do with people knowing you in a certain way and not getting used to something different or it does not look “in order”
I am definetly in the awkward time now, but I gotta say it never gets boring because I look different every day, not always good, that’s true, but different and I kind of like that.

Then my family, I tried to make a little tail 2 days ago, just to see what progress we are taking on, Okay, the tail was I admit it, quite miserable looking because of its rather reduced size and form but guess what? My 6 year old daughter started crying because she was afraid she had to go out on the street with me like that and people would laugh. What is this world coming too!! I would have been proud to have a longhaired dad but today already children have to live up to things which are “normal” and “common” and have to despice things which are not. (Okay, probably it has always been like that)

The site which helped me most started was http://www.choisser.com/longhair/ and the golden rule for me which I learned is the 14 day rule!! It saved me already 2-3 times from a stupid impulsive mood and prevented me from running to the hairdresses who is eagerly waiting with his shiny scissors and his dirty laugh to destroy my years work. So then I say, yeah they gotta go, “the 14 day rule starts from now” but then a day later things looking much better so I was saved by the bell again. At the moment even a 24 hour rule would do for me, but I think 2 weeks is the right measure, and is based by people who are knowing what they are talking about!

It is still far too early, but wait another year and this board will see a picture with an old fart showing off proudly his shiny ponytail for the entire world to see!!

In the meantime …….keep me motivated guys!


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