Losing strands
Posted by Dan on October 19, 2002 at 09:42:03: Previous Next
I've been noticing this in the shower, and I've been ignoring. It when shampooing, I've noticed that when I'm done, I'll have some strands of hair on my hands. This is new to me, cause I never had that problem with shorter hair. The only style product I use it Paul Mitchells Slick Works..a light weight wax, for the "Not long enough+shitty looking" stage. Pretty much I put a little in the palm, rub it around, and then just run it threw my hair. When I did that today I got 3 strands of hair with it. WTF is that about???
Re: Losing strands
Posted by The Kid on October 19, 2002 at 11:06:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Losing strands posted by Dan on October 19, 2002 at 09:42:03:
You're goin bald!
No-just messin'. This is normal-part of the hair cycle is shedding off some hair (all the time) and then these hairs grow back. This happens if u do or don't have long hair. U just notice it (and other people like to point it out) more now cuz the hairs don't just wash down the drain anymore...they're too long. Progress my friend!
: I've been noticing this in the shower, and I've been ignoring. It when shampooing, I've noticed that when I'm done, I'll have some strands of hair on my hands. This is new to me, cause I never had that problem with shorter hair. The only style product I use it Paul Mitchells Slick Works..a light weight wax, for the "Not long enough+shitty looking" stage. Pretty much I put a little in the palm, rub it around, and then just run it threw my hair. When I did that today I got 3 strands of hair with it. WTF is that about???
Re: Losing strands
Posted by Chris on October 19, 2002 at 15:20:16: Previous Next
In Reply to: Losing strands posted by Dan on October 19, 2002 at 09:42:03:
This happens to everyone, man. 3 hairs is nothing! There's been times when I've lost as many as 10 or more strands of hair in the shower while washing my hair. Of course, when your hair is short the hair just rinses right out and down the drain and you never see it. Nothing to worry about.
: I've been noticing this in the shower, and I've been ignoring. It when shampooing, I've noticed that when I'm done, I'll have some strands of hair on my hands. This is new to me, cause I never had that problem with shorter hair. The only style product I use it Paul Mitchells Slick Works..a light weight wax, for the "Not long enough+shitty looking" stage. Pretty much I put a little in the palm, rub it around, and then just run it threw my hair. When I did that today I got 3 strands of hair with it. WTF is that about???
Re: Losing strands
Posted by Bill on October 19, 2002 at 15:56:40: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Losing strands posted by Chris on October 19, 2002 at 15:20:16:
: This happens to everyone, man. 3 hairs is nothing! There's been times when I've lost as many as 10 or more strands of hair in the shower while washing my hair. Of course, when your hair is short the hair just rinses right out and down the drain and you never see it. Nothing to worry about.
Short hair also may not wait until shower-time to fall out. With little hair on your head to hold short sheddings, they just fall out on the street or wherever you are all day long, while long hair will be held in your hair, to all wash out at once when you shower. Add to that the situation that so-many one-foot-long strands makes twelve times as big a pile as the same number of one-inch-long strands, and you're looking at a major increase in drain catchings.
This does not mean you are balding, at all. This gets asked constantly on here by newcomers, so don't feel bad about asking it. Sometimes I wonder if it shouldn't just be put at the top of the board in big letters so all newcomers will see it. :-)