Why in the hell...

Why in the hell...
Posted by Mantraschism on October 21, 2002 at 01:09:52: Previous Next

...does everyone seem to equate 'long hair' with 'dirty'??? I can only assume it's because of those longhairs who just grow their hair long and don't take care of it, and who wear ragged clothes and who really are dirty. I wish these people would cut their hair! They're giving all the real longhairs bad names. This thread was inspired by my grandparents and my dad (my grandparents, who've seen me much more recently than my dad (last time I saw him was before I started growing), told him that I looked bad; no, they really told him that I looked 'bad'). My dad has just told me over the phone to look around and see how all the other 'guys my age' are dressing and keeping their hair, and to do that. To become a sheep, in other words. Excuse me, fuck you, and that. I know he's just trying to look out for me, but I'm 19, and I can decide for myself how I'll look. And it's not like I'm just totally adrift; I've got a good job lined up that doesn't care about hair length. He's mostly telling me so that girls will notice me. 'Girls have a certain look they're going for.' Excuse me again, but why in the hell would they notice me if I LOOK JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE?!?!?!?!? Obviously, they wouldn't. And if the girl doesn't like what she sees just because I have long hair (I say 'long hair', even though it's not 'long' yet; more like 'longish'), then to hell with her anyway. I swear to God, I'm not an advertisement. And as if I dress badly. I dress nicely when occasion requires (job, looking for a job, etc.), but when I'm just around friends and family, I'll dress in what I want to dress in -- which is NOT ratty looking. I wish these family members would get the fuck over my hair. My grandma asks me EVERY TIME (no, really, every time) I talk to her, 'Have you cut your hair yet?' 'Yet', as if I'm going to, and stop asking; I didn't call long distance to get bitched at. That's what I want to say to her. Last time I saw my grandparents, my grandma said, 'That's defiance, is all that is.' OMFG. You've got to be kidding me. Defiance???? I'm not 13 anymore. I do what I want to, and just because I'm not saying, 'OK, I'll go to the barber shop right now,' when she asks, I'm being 'defiant'???? 'Defiance' for the sake of 'defiance' is the whole reason why I've wanted long hair for 6 years, and the reason I'm finally following through now? Oh, go to hell, please; thanks. And now I'm sure my dad will be asking about my hair every time I talk to him, too. *sigh* Well, I'm done now, I guess. =\

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