Denial/rejection of long hair

Denial/rejection of long hair
Posted by T a r i k h on October 21, 2002 at 06:30:56: Previous Next


As you all know by now, I am a student in a multi-cultural university. That`s rather a good thing, but I can`t help notice that there are some cultures where long-haired-men are totally denied, rejected and even picked at.
For instance, in countries influenced by Indian/Pakistan culture, this is the case. I don`t ever recall seeing a guy coming from India having long hair.
As for Pakistan, long hair is thoroughly denied but some international guys have made it with their long hair. There`s a Rock band called Junoon and they have beautiful curly long hair. That`s a progree.

People with African culture, also have a tendency to deny, disrespect long hair. It seems to me, that they are constantly trying to force down their culture in the throats of others, ex. rap music, rasta. To me, dreadlock will never count as long hair, becuase long hair is something which you have to care for, that`s why we are all on this board.
As for Arabic countries, I can`t imagine what will happen to us. The paradoxal thing in all this is that the Holy Prophet of Islam, himself had long, semi curly, semi straight hair, hanging down to his shoulders. Sometimes he even plaited it. But this is fact which most of Muslims reject.

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