A poll

A poll
Posted by Evan on November 01, 2002 at 18:02:26: Previous Next

There's been a lot of talk about what hair women find attractive on men. I thought it would be interesting to see what men found attractive on women. Here are a couple of questions for you to answer.
1) On women do you preffer long or short hair.
2) what color do you preffer on women
3) on yourself, do you only like long hair or did you like other styles also.

I'll answer first.
1) Well this all really depends. I like both and think both can look very good. When i see a woman with long silky, shiny, dark hair I'm very attracted. Conversely, if a girl has a cute little hair cut, and has the features and personality to pull it off, I'm not objecting to that. Overall, I preffer longer hair, but you could say I'm an equal opportunity player(I wish LOL).

2) In general, brunettes. However, if a woman has just the perfect complexion, redheads can't be beat(Think Nicole Kidman)

3) Well, I've had everything from a shaved head to normal haircuts, to a ponytail(about nine inches). Looking back, a shaved head wasn't very flattering, but I did really like some of the more stylish shorter cuts I've had. I've been tempted several times to cut my hair to one of my old cuts. What I do think long hair has over other cuts is attitude. It says something about the wearer. He cares about his looks, is a little bit artsy, a little non conformist, and very confident.
Thaks for your time,

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