What is it with long hair white...

What is it with long hair white...
Posted by Dandee on November 02, 2002 at 17:38:05: Previous Next

Why is it every time I see a back guy with a white chick she has her hair really long? And why is it that whenever I walk past them with my thick long rich locks the guy acts up tight and anal? I guess there is not many black dudes that send in messages here. But hey, let me hear what the rest of you guys, and perhaps gals know.
I will tell you fellow long hairs out there something. Black chicks really dig long hair. I had one cute ebony babe who would stretch out on the bed and I would sweep my really long hair up and down her body. Mercy! She would go nuts, along with a shampoo that has a really nice herb scent to it.
I guess I answered my own question.

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