fear of politics crushing longhair dream
Posted by perplexedone on November 04, 2002 at 00:24:03: Previous Next
hmm have any of you on this board ages 18-25 been fearing being drafted? i've been worrying about it, well most importantly...i'm worried about dying in war, but secondly damn, i just initiated this longhair adventure and what if i get drafted and have to shave it all off? :[
Re: fear of politics crushing longhair dream
Posted by HappyPuppy on November 04, 2002 at 01:00:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: fear of politics crushing longhair dream posted by perplexedone on November 04, 2002 at 00:24:03:
I haven't really been thinking much about it, but I agree, it would suck on so many levels. The only thing I can think of (besides dodging) would be legally changing my last name to something along the lines of "Stinkybutt" or "Imalittleweeny" so that after hearing what they'd be calling me, they'd rethink the decision.
Re: fear of politics crushing longhair dream
Posted by Rokker on November 04, 2002 at 08:44:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: fear of politics crushing longhair dream posted by HappyPuppy on November 04, 2002 at 01:00:02:
If you're against us invading a country because our current president has no clue on how to manage our own country and needs to hide his incompetence....
You're openly homosexual
You're a conscientious objector
Flee to Canada
Or simply refuse to enter service.
I'm glad I'm as old as I am. If I were 20 or so, I'd be organizing protests and loudly speaking out against war. I'd also be in Canada already.
He//, I'm not sure I'll stay here if the Repubs get control of both houses. That'll be a disaster in a big way.
Re: fear of politics crushing longhair dream
Posted by buck on November 06, 2002 at 02:30:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: fear of politics crushing longhair dream posted by perplexedone on November 04, 2002 at 00:24:03:
I'm a bit older, was born the last year they did not draft anyone for VietNam, tho we had numbers drawn for the draft.
I'll try to be nice here, but I certainly think the thought of dying might be just a tad more important than the loss of hair. If you had to shave it all off, guess what, you could just grow it back later!
I'm not going to get political here, Rokker if you want we can start a thread on that, but if the length of your hair is more important than your country...I'd suggest you have some screwed up priorities. We live in the greatest country in the world. It has it's faults, but I don't want to live anywhere else.
At your age, and just starting out growing, maybe the long hair thing seems to be very important. And I agree, we all need to be what we want to be. It's just that there are many more important things in life than the length of your hair...loved ones, good health, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While long hair may be involved in some of those, it is not exactly the most essential element.
I enjoy this board, and hope I haven't made anyone too irate with this. I enjoy my long hair, next March will be 2 years and I had a good start. Just don't see the need to place it at the center of my existence. Had long hair back in the 70's, much longer now and I love it, so does my wife.
If longhairs do not want to be judged on appearances, why would we want to judge anyone who chooses to cut their hair? I don't think many here do. I just enjoy my hair at this length at this time of my life. Actually live in a rural conservative area and get almost no grief about my hair.
To each his own. Really, don't worry about being drafted, it's not going to happen politically. You are young and have a great life ahead of you...go and grow!
: hmm have any of you on this board ages 18-25 been fearing being drafted? i've been worrying about it, well most importantly...i'm worried about dying in war, but secondly damn, i just initiated this longhair adventure and what if i get drafted and have to shave it all off? :[
Re: fear of politics crushing longhair dream
Posted by walsall85 on November 08, 2002 at 07:46:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: fear of politics crushing longhair dream posted by buck on November 06, 2002 at 02:30:59:
I happen to have the other idea.If you would rather cut your hair off to fight in some stupid war and get killed because you are conscripted and you love "The land of the free" than you must be mad. If the USA was truly the land of the free than none of you would have to worry about this.
It's not just America it's other countries. Why should you fight in a war or do military service just because you're a man (as it is in most countries) With the issue in iraq it's possible that we may be conscripted but why should our dreams end just because politician's want them to? They won't be be fighting and dying on the battlefield for their great country. Remember that...
I haven't been intentionally offensive so please don't take it as such.