
Posted by HappyPuppy on November 04, 2002 at 01:18:07: Previous Next

Hey, I decided that 2 posts weren't enough tonight, and I should go for 3. But I digress.
My hair's finally starting to be recognized as longer than average. I've gotten 2 comments in the past few nights about it. I decided that my regular hairstyle was no longer working, which I was fine with, because with my new one I don't need gel. I switched over to a part down the middle with my hair just kinda flipping up on the sides. I've been wearing it like this casually for a couple of weeks now, but I've always used gel when I went to work. No one seemed to have a problem with the change. (I was worried it might look a little unprofessional.) But it has drawn a couple of comments from other employees. The first one was after I had just finished scrubbing something, and I was forming little beads of sweat. I joked to the other employee that I was in great shape. She said it was because of all the hair I hadn't cut. She didn't say this in a condescending way or anything, more of an observation. I told her what I wanted to do with my hair, and she said she thought it'd look pretty good.
But every silver lining has its cloud. The other comment came from an employee that I am sort of friends with. (Friends at work, but I wouldn't hang out with her. That sort of thing.) I was just waiting for a customer, and she turned to me, and out of nowhere just said "You need a haircut." This kinda caught me off guard. All I said was "I don't think so." The thing that struck me about this was that I was trying to prepare myself for whenever it would happen, and I wasn't nearly as prepared as I had thought. I had resolved to not let it bother me, and just ignore the person, but it had more of an effect than I had anticipated. It was just like "I don't like the way you are, because (insert groundless reason here)"
Well, just wanted to get that off my chest here. If anything, she's made me want to grow it even longer than I wanted before.

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