Posted by GodKnowsBest on November 04, 2002 at 06:40:15: Previous Next
I heard this story 5 years ago, but I thoght about sharing it with you.
I saw a documentary in which they showed how long hairs are treated in Cuba.
In Cuba, if the authorities (army) find you with long hair, they would pester you, arrest you,..etc..
So what was shocking was that the report showed how the long haired guys would deal with this: they would inject themselves with the AIDS virus ! So that when the army stops them, they just show their AIDS status and they would be left alone with their long hair.
Any guys from Cuba here?
Re: D Y I N G I N C U B A
Posted by Wolff on November 04, 2002 at 07:09:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: D Y I N G I N C U B A posted by GodKnowsBest on November 04, 2002 at 06:40:15:
I was born in Miami and I've never been to Cuba, but my parents are from there. Basically, that's how the government works. Intimidation. Long-haired men aren't allowed to attend school. But I guess stuff like that happens anytime you have a totalitarian government. I saw a movie called Bitter Sugar (Azucar Amarga) on IFC (Independent Film Channel) and one of the characters injected himself with AIDS because the government would not allow him to play rock music. People over there have none of the freedoms which we enjoy over here in the US, particularly freedom of speech.
Re: D Y I N G I N C U B A
Posted by buck on November 06, 2002 at 02:53:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: D Y I N G I N C U B A posted by Wolff on November 04, 2002 at 07:09:50:
God Bless America and Freedom!
While some here may face discrimination because of long hair, it certainly is a lot less than the need to conform in most societies throughout the world.
I think the idea of some injecting themselves w/ AIDS is not just about long hair, they could always plot to escape and grow the hair somewhere else. I think it stems from a total sense of hopelessness, oppression and despair, coming from living in such a totalitarian society.
Castro is a dictator, maintained in power by brutal force. Many countries on this planet are ruled by such regimes. These countries aren't particularly friendly to those who are out of step, like longhairs. Those who despise America may want to figure out exactly where the ideal country is.
If they think America is intolerant, go find a better place. Maybe Switzerland, they are so tolerant and nice, just made a fortune off of the Nazis killing Jews. (Nothing against the Swiss, just trying to make a point, no one is perfect.)
: I was born in Miami and I've never been to Cuba, but my parents are from there. Basically, that's how the government works. Intimidation. Long-haired men aren't allowed to attend school. But I guess stuff like that happens anytime you have a totalitarian government. I saw a movie called Bitter Sugar (Azucar Amarga) on IFC (Independent Film Channel) and one of the characters injected himself with AIDS because the government would not allow him to play rock music. People over there have none of the freedoms which we enjoy over here in the US, particularly freedom of speech.
seems kind of extreme...
Posted by j.s. on November 04, 2002 at 08:34:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: D Y I N G I N C U B A posted by GodKnowsBest on November 04, 2002 at 06:40:15:
...to sentence yourself to a slow death as a defense against harassment. my long hair is important to me but not that important.
on a more political note:
funny how the u.s. will 'educate' us about the brutality of a dictator as a means of swaying public opinion toward an inevitable invasion & overthrow while completely ignoring the brutal repression taking place in its own back yard. i guess it takes oil (crude oil) to grease the wheels of international justice- look at where king george's and prince cheney's fortunes come from & you'll understand why we are sending our star spangled armada to the persian gulf to possibly ignite WWIII
Posted by Wolff on November 04, 2002 at 10:32:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: seems kind of extreme... posted by j.s. on November 04, 2002 at 08:34:33:
: on a more political note:
: funny how the u.s. will 'educate' us about the brutality of a dictator as a means of swaying public opinion toward an inevitable invasion & overthrow while completely ignoring the brutal repression taking place in its own back yard. i guess it takes oil (crude oil) to grease the wheels of international justice- look at where king george's and prince cheney's fortunes come from & you'll understand why we are sending our star spangled armada to the persian gulf to possibly ignite WWIII
You're absolutely right. It baffles me how a dictator could be in power for 43 years in a country that is only 90 miles away from us. How many other injustices go unseen and unpunished in this world? You said it best: "I guess it takes oil (crude oil) to grease the wheels of international justice".
Re: D Y I N G I N C U B A
Posted by nWo_Slapnut on November 04, 2002 at 11:20:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: D Y I N G I N C U B A posted by GodKnowsBest on November 04, 2002 at 06:40:15:
I seriously felt sick after reading that. It seems unfair, not just that there is this double-standard for longhair between the sexes, but that Fidel Castro would condone such policies while he spots that long mane of his (His beard). Why should hair growing from one part of the face be tollerated any more than hair from another?
And yeah, this whole war matter with George W. Bush is pure @#$%. It's disgusting that because he's president, he's allowed to get away with it. Notice that whenever a 'commoner' does something that's frowned upon, we try to find a scapegoat in music or violent video games. Yet, no one dares to ask if people like Hitler were indulging in obscene media by the time he'd enacted a policy of genocide. Just goes to show how stupid all this scapegoating is, and what a double standard exists for those in power. I believe it is the DUTY of any good citizen to be skeptical of their government's policies and not just to buy into them like they're expected to do.
Yeah and then...
Posted by Wolff on November 04, 2002 at 11:27:49: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: D Y I N G I N C U B A posted by nWo_Slapnut on November 04, 2002 at 11:20:09:
we see things like this.
Re: Aids in Cuba?
Posted by Hair Religion on November 09, 2002 at 00:25:26: Previous Next
In Reply to: D Y I N G I N C U B A posted by GodKnowsBest on November 04, 2002 at 06:40:15:
That sounds like a very tall tale, a rumor, an urban legend even.
A film may have shown some nutcase who did such a bizarre thing himself but a trend is unbelievable and would require more than hearsay.
Maybe "god" knows better.