Things are getting better...

Things are getting better...
Posted by Polska on November 05, 2002 at 21:45:49: Previous Next

Hey guys, just wanted to let you all in on my excitement over my hair with a progress report:

Well, I’m closing in on a year, and man, things have never been better. My bangs are finally staying behind my ears, I’m getting compliments on my hair on a regular basis, and I’ve perfected my grooming routine. Yay ;)

Yup, things are sure starting to look up, I remember when I started out with that puff ball atop my head, all those negative comments (my friends even tried somewhat of an intervention, lol). Back then it was tough going, my confidence was low and I was constantly feeling self-conscience and angry about my then unmanageable hair. But these days, those “get a haircut, you’re not a skater” and “it’s the mullet man” comments have turned into comments like “you know, you look a lot better with longhair” or just "I like your hair". It’s a great feeling and I’m really starting to feel like a longhair. In the rare case I do get a negative comment, it’s usually by some military prick or it’s more of a non-intended insult like today when someone said that I’m one of the few guys that could pull off a mullet, but I hate labels, especially when my hair doesn’t fit under one, the bangs are four inches longer than the back! Oh well, I never react negatively, I know they mean well.

I’ve also found a great product that gives me the look I want and works every time keeping my hair looking really clean, it just gets easier from here on in and I look forward to the day I can get it into a ponytail and drop the tube.

The point to my seemingly pointless ramble of a report is: HANG IN THEIR EVERYONE, IT JUST KEEPS GETTING BETTER, oh and, slight trims and hair products for the pre-tail period are great ways to get your hair looking the best it possibly can until that momentous day you can finally tail it. Well peace everyone and keep it long!

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