My Take On Having Long Hair...
Posted by Treyn on November 09, 2002 at 19:44:22: Previous Next
I read a lot of posts here with people saying that one reason they grow their hair long is to show they are not a part of a conformed society. They don't want the norms of society telling them they should have short hair so therefore they grow it long. Well, with me, that kind of mentality towards short hair, societies norms, opinions, etc. have nothing to do with why I grow my hair long.
I like my hair long because I like the way it looks. I like the way it bounces against my cheek bones when I walk (now that it's long enough to do so). There is something tough yet gentle about having long hair. I like the way it drapes down my back (what very little it does at this point anyway). There is something here I am trying to explain that I just can't put into words. Anyway, what society thinks about my hair bothers me none. I have long hair because I am fascinated with it, not because I am trying to buck any norms of this crazy twisted world we live in. There is a price to pay to achieve it which once accomplished makes having it all the more meaningful. Yes, I get irritated with it now and then, that is one reason I undercut my hair. It looks better and feels better to me. I just like having long hair and that's all there is to it! Peace!!!!!
Another take
Posted by BeagleBoy on November 09, 2002 at 20:54:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: My Take On Having Long Hair... posted by Treyn on November 09, 2002 at 19:44:22:
I don't post often, but for the most part, I'd think that the main valid reason for this or any other style is that *YOU* like the way it looks.
On what society thinks: this is one area I don't understand. As I've posted before, I manage actors. Part of my job is determining "image". Part of this is gut feeling, part is watching what's happening, part is listening to what the studios want. Many times, I've had studios tell me that a client needs to grow his hair longer (I've got one kid right now that they want to go shoulder length). While I've had them suggest a trim, I've *NEVER* had a studio say that a client needs to go to a buzz cut (except for a specific part ... if needed for a part, we'll do whatever is needed).
I'm really not sure whether Hollywood mirrors society or society mirros Hollywood. Regardless, I find it strange that there is *ANY* societal objections considering what I see at work.
Re: My Take On Having Long Hair...
Posted by Jazbrd on November 09, 2002 at 21:48:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: My Take On Having Long Hair... posted by Treyn on November 09, 2002 at 19:44:22:
: I read a lot of posts here with people saying that one reason they grow their hair long is to show they are not a part of a conformed society. They don't want the norms of society telling them they should have short hair so therefore they grow it long. Well, with me, that kind of mentality towards short hair, societies norms, opinions, etc. have nothing to do with why I grow my hair long.
You say you are growing your hair long for reasons that have nothing to do with our general societies "norms." That is great! However, the fact still remains that you are electing to be a part of the minority, "men with long hair." That too is great! It says that you are your own person, and you control the way you choose to maintain yourself. As Bill Choisser says, "you can't take it off, the way you can with clothes." It is there 24/7. So, as much as you like it for all the genuine reasons you state, there still exists the side effect of being in a minority. I think from your words "twisted world we live in" you are quite aware of the society we have to deal with every day.
My dad said something to me about "conformity." He said that no matter how you live, you ARE conforming to something. I am conforming to being a man with long hair, and conforming to always dressing casually. There are of course lots and lots more. And, there are lots and lots of things I am not conforming to.
Do you believe that it is "okay" for other men with long hair to have their long hair for reasons other than your own? When you say that it becomes "all the more meaningful," can you explain?
Anyway, Please understand that what I say here is only for purpose of discussion, and positively no flames intended.
Do your thing, man...
: I like my hair long because I like the way it looks. I like the way it bounces against my cheek bones when I walk (now that it's long enough to do so). There is something tough yet gentle about having long hair. I like the way it drapes down my back (what very little it does at this point anyway). There is something here I am trying to explain that I just can't put into words. Anyway, what society thinks about my hair bothers me none. I have long hair because I am fascinated with it, not because I am trying to buck any norms of this crazy twisted world we live in. There is a price to pay to achieve it which once accomplished makes having it all the more meaningful. Yes, I get irritated with it now and then, that is one reason I undercut my hair. It looks better and feels better to me. I just like having long hair and that's all there is to it! Peace!!!!!
Re: My Take On Having Long Hair...
Posted by Treyn on November 10, 2002 at 09:34:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: My Take On Having Long Hair... posted by Jazbrd on November 09, 2002 at 21:48:23:
Do you believe that it is "okay" for other men with long hair to have their long hair for reasons other than your own?
I definetly believe that any man can have long hair for any reason of his own, wether it be that he just simply likes it better than short hair like myself or wether he is growing it to prove a comformative point or both. I was simply stating that I do it for myself and no one else and not to prove any points against society. But if someone else is doing it for the latter reason that is perfectly fine by me.
When you say that it becomes "all the more meaningful," can you explain?
Certainly, my friend. What I meant by this is that for the time it takes to grow long hair and take care of it to reach ones personal goal would seem to me like the having of that long hair would be more meaningful to that person rather than say someone who has a buzz cut that came about in three minutes at the mercy of shears (Believe me, buzz cuts are fine by me if thats what an individual likes). But take for instance a new car. Say there's someone who worked and saved 20 thousand dollars over so many years for a new car finally goes out and gets his reward. That person is really going to appreciate and take care of that car in a more intense fashion than say someone who was just given a car she/he never worked for. I'm not saying the latter person wouldn't take care of the car, but the former person would more than likely have a more meaningful attachement to the car. Hope this makes sense. Peace!!!!!
Re: My Take On Having Long Hair...
Posted by Magoo on November 12, 2002 at 06:36:26: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: My Take On Having Long Hair... posted by Treyn on November 10, 2002 at 09:34:29:
I find this a really really good argument!!!
: Certainly, my friend. What I meant by this is that for the time it takes to grow long hair and take care of it to reach ones personal goal would seem to me like the having of that long hair would be more meaningful to that person rather than say someone who has a buzz cut that came about in three minutes at the mercy of shears (Believe me, buzz cuts are fine by me if thats what an individual likes). But take for instance a new car. Say there's someone who worked and saved 20 thousand dollars over so many years for a new car finally goes out and gets his reward. That person is really going to appreciate and take care of that car in a more intense fashion than say someone who was just given a car she/he never worked for. I'm not saying the latter person wouldn't take care of the car, but the former person would more than likely have a more meaningful attachement to the car. Hope this makes sense. Peace!!!!!