starting out...kinda

starting out...kinda
Posted by Polak on November 10, 2002 at 18:32:24: Previous Next

Im a bit of a lurker on this board, but thought its about time i posted something...
Ive been growing my hair for around 7 months now, and my bangs reach just past the tip of my nose..
Everyone here talks about their inspiration for growing long hair, well i got mine.. Antony Kiedis. Being completely heterosexual i can safely say when i first saw his hair past his waist (he grew it for about 9 years as far as i know) it was the epiphany of beautiful hair. Hence now im growing it.. (perhaps not that long but eh..who knows..?
If you dont know who he is look up red hot chili peppers on a search engine, im preety sure you guys will like it too.

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