I need to know somthing
Posted by BondJamesBond on November 11, 2002 at 06:04:35: Previous Next
I want to grow my hair long but whenever my hair grows to my chin my parents force me to get a haircut.
I look better with my hair long.
please give me tips on what to say to my parents
Re: I need to know somthing
Posted by LucksKind on November 11, 2002 at 08:55:42: Previous Next
In Reply to: I need to know somthing posted by BondJamesBond on November 11, 2002 at 06:04:35:
: I want to grow my hair long but whenever my hair grows to my chin my parents force me to get a haircut.
: I look better with my hair long.
: please give me tips on what to say to my parents
I don't know your parents...how they were raised...what their beliefs are...
or how brainwashed their ideas about hair are...
If straight-talking with them doesn't work...
what can you do? Beats me...
what to say to parents....
Posted by j.s. on November 11, 2002 at 09:16:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: I need to know somthing posted by BondJamesBond on November 11, 2002 at 06:04:35:
: please give me tips on what to say to my parents
so long and don't forget to write.
Re: what to say to parents....
Posted by Not So Fast on November 11, 2002 at 10:53:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: what to say to parents.... posted by j.s. on November 11, 2002 at 09:16:52:
: : please give me tips on what to say to my parents
: so long and don't forget to write.
That wouldn't fly-unless young Mr. Bond owns the family home and could overwhelm his folks like an unbridled teen Clark Kent!
Maybe tell them about such men as Moses, Samson, Jesus, El Cid, William Shakespeare, George Washington, Ben Franklin and Mick Jagger who all achieved great renown with long hair. You even might mention that George Custer only had his Last Stand after he shorned his locks the first time!
Re: I need to know somthing
Posted by Treyn on November 11, 2002 at 12:41:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: I need to know somthing posted by BondJamesBond on November 11, 2002 at 06:04:35:
Are you saying your bangs made it all the way to your chin before your parents said anything about cutting? That in itself is some pretty good growth, dude. In fact, that is where I am currently. I say get your parents and you together on the sofa and tell them you would like to have a heart to heart talk about this. Tell them it would make you very happy if you could grow your hair how you like it. Assure them you will take good care of it and not let it get nasty looking or anything like that. Maybe show them some pictures of well groomed long hairs in magazines, from television, etc. What have you got to lose by trying the one on one approach with your parents. I bet they see the sincere maturity and let you have what you want. Good Luck! Peace!!!!!
Re: I need to know somthing
Posted by T a r i k h on November 11, 2002 at 15:01:34: Previous Next
In Reply to: I need to know somthing posted by BondJamesBond on November 11, 2002 at 06:04:35:
Just tell`em that it`s better to have a long hair son who is nice than having a short haired son who might be a thug or stuff like this.
Be rebellious, boycott everything. Keep your distance. I assume that you`re not their slave. Show them how long hair is important to you.