The future of long hair

The future of long hair
Posted by Remi on November 14, 2002 at 16:06:38: Previous Next

Have you ever seen the movie THX 1138? In that movie, everyone (male and female) must shave their head. Its in the future and having hair is seen as dirty. The only people with long hair are the poor people living in the slums, and they are not even a part of the society.

Will it be like this in the future? Right now, it seems the only people that can grow their hair are either the poor people who don't work and stay out of the society or the rich people with good jobs that can decide their own styles without anyone to bother them.

Today it seems that everyone is conformed, everyone are posers that follow the rules, and liberty is almost absent. 10 or 20 years ago, if there was a law to force men to have short hair, people would fight against it and defy it. But if it happened today, people would simply follow the rules without asking any question because people don't have balls anymore to fight for their rights.

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