The future of long hair
Posted by Remi on November 14, 2002 at 16:06:38: Previous Next
Have you ever seen the movie THX 1138? In that movie, everyone (male and female) must shave their head. Its in the future and having hair is seen as dirty. The only people with long hair are the poor people living in the slums, and they are not even a part of the society.
Will it be like this in the future? Right now, it seems the only people that can grow their hair are either the poor people who don't work and stay out of the society or the rich people with good jobs that can decide their own styles without anyone to bother them.
Today it seems that everyone is conformed, everyone are posers that follow the rules, and liberty is almost absent. 10 or 20 years ago, if there was a law to force men to have short hair, people would fight against it and defy it. But if it happened today, people would simply follow the rules without asking any question because people don't have balls anymore to fight for their rights.
Re: The future of long hair
Posted by Nyghtfall on November 14, 2002 at 18:19:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: The future of long hair posted by Remi on November 14, 2002 at 16:06:38:
: Have you ever seen the movie THX 1138?
Yes, it's a strangely brilliant movie.
: Will it be like this in the future?
Science Fiction exists to ask the question, "What if?" To that end, I will grant that it is possible, however, extraordinarily unlikely.
Re: The future of long hair
Posted by Vampire on November 15, 2002 at 01:39:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: The future of long hair posted by Remi on November 14, 2002 at 16:06:38:
I can't see that ever happening. I can't imagine that people would tolerate anything this so drastic as that, though, if it did happen. If pushed that far, longhairs would definitely fight for their rights, as would many shorthairs, not just for us who choose to wear our hair long but for the very idea of liberty in general. Not *all* of society has been brainwashed that much... yet.
: Have you ever seen the movie THX 1138? In that movie, everyone (male and female) must shave their head. Its in the future and having hair is seen as dirty. The only people with long hair are the poor people living in the slums, and they are not even a part of the society.
: Will it be like this in the future? Right now, it seems the only people that can grow their hair are either the poor people who don't work and stay out of the society or the rich people with good jobs that can decide their own styles without anyone to bother them.
: Today it seems that everyone is conformed, everyone are posers that follow the rules, and liberty is almost absent. 10 or 20 years ago, if there was a law to force men to have short hair, people would fight against it and defy it. But if it happened today, people would simply follow the rules without asking any question because people don't have balls anymore to fight for their rights.
Re: The future of long hair
Posted by delta9dude on November 15, 2002 at 01:39:27: Previous Next
In Reply to: The future of long hair posted by Remi on November 14, 2002 at 16:06:38:
To quell your fears, it's not just the extremely poor and the extremely wealthy that grow their hair long. In California it's anything goes, unless you live in Orange County. If you look to science fiction as a crystal ball to look into the future, check out Battlefield Earth. It's a terrible movie, but there's plenty of long haired guys. Ok, so it takes place in a post-apocalyptic world, but then nothing's perfect.
Re: more deep questions
Posted by Hair Religion on November 15, 2002 at 02:56:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: The future of long hair posted by Remi on November 14, 2002 at 16:06:38:
Your "questions" have a pattern of over-simplifying and over-generalizing people, events, social trends, history and your fears based on a few instances in your own recent experience that you haven't thought out to a great extent.
What do you expect us to answer to "are longhairs all thieves" and "is the future of human society going to be mandated shaved heads"?
You may be venting but maybe do it another way than asking us ridiculous questions that are actually statements about how your day went...please.
Do you REALLY believe that ALL longhairs are either dirt poor people or very rich people and somehow can't be anywhere between in the economic ladder? My existance makes your assumption false as I am not dirt poor nor am I very wealthy. I am confident that most on this board fit that description also.
That statement as well as the one about everyone nowdays not being willing to fight for their rights is like the one somebody posted down the page on politics that said "Democrats are all Communists and want everyone on welfare...". Whoa, think some more before typing!
Re: more deep questions
Posted by Ottawa Male on November 17, 2002 at 08:47:18: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: more deep questions posted by Hair Religion on November 15, 2002 at 02:56:14:
**YOU** **FLAMED** Remi!!!!! **YOU** had ****NO**** right to do it.
Remi flamed **NO** one. He simply posed questions. You *disparaged*
the messenger, as it were.
If you **READ** ****ALLLLLLL**** of what Remi wrote, you would find
that he's in favour of long hair.
: Your "questions" have a pattern of over-simplifying and over-generalizing people, events, social trends, history and your fears based on a few instances in your own recent experience that you haven't thought out to a great extent.
: What do you expect us to answer to "are longhairs all thieves" and "is the future of human society going to be mandated shaved heads"?
: You may be venting but maybe do it another way than asking us ridiculous questions that are actually statements about how your day went...please.
: Do you REALLY believe that ALL longhairs are either dirt poor people or very rich people and somehow can't be anywhere between in the economic ladder? My existance makes your assumption false as I am not dirt poor nor am I very wealthy. I am confident that most on this board fit that description also.
: That statement as well as the one about everyone nowdays not being willing to fight for their rights is like the one somebody posted down the page on politics that said "Democrats are all Communists and want everyone on welfare...". Whoa, think some more before typing!
Re: funny post
Posted by Hair Religion on November 21, 2002 at 14:41:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: more deep questions posted by Ottawa Male on November 17, 2002 at 08:47:18:
Seriously though, you mean to tell me that in reading all his posts you cannot see what I described? I didn't flame him (learn what that is please), I did call attention to some blanket statements and bizzare questions he seems to ask with complete sincerity but without much time or thought put into it. Maybe you haven't been reading his posts for very long. You can post whatever you want but if you post something wierd then expect a)no response or b)responses that may not be very serious and even critical.
Maybe you've noticed that after posting blanket statements and odd "questions" he doesn't follow up. How serious could he have been about starting a new "discussion". As I said before (with info from his posts), the blanket statements and "questions" he puts out there are more a reflection of how his day went at work and how people there may view his hair. If you can't also see this I recommend that you go back a do some reading of past posts.
Off-hand I don't remember seeing you post before (or respond to Remi's questions or blanket statements). Are you planning on contributing to our discussions here or are you a lurker waiting with very excited retorts?
Re: funny post
Posted by kelly farmer on November 26, 2002 at 12:09:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: funny post posted by Hair Religion on November 21, 2002 at 14:41:17:
: ***YOU***Need***TO***CUT***down***On***SUGAR!!!***
: Seriously though, you mean to tell me that in reading all his posts you cannot see what I described? I didn't flame him (learn what that is please), I did call attention to some blanket statements and bizzare questions he seems to ask with complete sincerity but without much time or thought put into it. Maybe you haven't been reading his posts for very long. You can post whatever you want but if you post something wierd then expect a)no response or b)responses that may not be very serious and even critical.
: Maybe you've noticed that after posting blanket statements and odd "questions" he doesn't follow up. How serious could he have been about starting a new "discussion". As I said before (with info from his posts), the blanket statements and "questions" he puts out there are more a reflection of how his day went at work and how people there may view his hair. If you can't also see this I recommend that you go back a do some reading of past posts.
: Off-hand I don't remember seeing you post before (or respond to Remi's questions or blanket statements). Are you planning on contributing to our discussions here or are you a lurker waiting with very excited retorts?
Re: more on your insensed post
Posted by Hair Religion on November 22, 2002 at 02:09:27: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: more deep questions posted by Ottawa Male on November 17, 2002 at 08:47:18:
Maybe you could tell us all where I said he wasn't in favor of long hair. I'd like to see that. So what if he is?
I'd say that about 99.5% of all people who post on this board are in favor of long hair (the reason why we are here) but that doesn't mean that longhairs can't post statements that don't make much sense or that the rest of us have to agree with him and cheerlead him just because he is in favor of long hair regardless of what he writes.
Does that make sense to you?
As for having "no right to do it", you might find that "rights" have nothing to do with it at all. Perhaps "no good sense in doing it" would be a better way to say what you mean...but that is exactly what I was talking about, the lack of good sense in his posts (as one can plainly see) which is not an unjustified personal attack...and of course not in response to him flaming anyone else, which he hasn't; I know because I have read his other posts.
You refer to him as a messenger. What is he a messenger of or for?
Re: The future of long hair
Posted by 4everlong on November 15, 2002 at 09:16:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: The future of long hair posted by Remi on November 14, 2002 at 16:06:38:
: Have you ever seen the movie THX 1138? In that movie, everyone (male and female) must shave their head. Its in the future and having hair is seen as dirty. The only people with long hair are the poor people living in the slums, and they are not even a part of the society.
The 1997 movie "Gattaca" starring Ethan Hawke had somewhat the same theme, that having hair was dirty. Here we are in November, 2002 and not much has changed, including hair styles. In fact, it looks like long hair styles are slowly returning for guys.
: Will it be like this in the future?
I don't think so!! I'm sold on long hair, and I'm not going to change in the future.
Re: The future of long hair
Posted by terry on November 24, 2002 at 20:23:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: The future of long hair posted by Remi on November 14, 2002 at 16:06:38:
I haven't been in northern Canada or Alaska recently but shaved heads, while they exist, were never popular. I was city center (Vancouver) last night and I couldn't believe that no young people had long hair. (Am 53, year two anniversary 1 Jan 03). We have a large Japanese, Korean and Chinese population. A few very young Chinese guys 13 to 16 have sort of a Beatle length covering the ears haircut but that is it for length. Saw a guy at the subway station and although we neither spoke or acknowledged each other, it was clear we were a rarety. Lots of sports, movie and band heroes have have short hair. There is no reason for any guy to grow his hair out. There is certainly no peer pressure. Remember if you start growing your hair out, they call you gay, a girl and lots of other names that aren't exactly postive for the average guy. But I am waiting. It is just a matter of time.