Wool stocking hat...
Posted by Justin B. on November 16, 2002 at 02:09:41: Previous Next
I have very thick, dry hair. I've noticed that after I wash my hair and semi-dry (to where it isn't dripping wet) and I put on a wool, stocking type knit hat for awhile, my hair becomes very soft, flat and not as poofy. I've read this a few times on this board and I was wondering why, if anyone knows, does this happen? I love the way it makes my hair feel, it's really manageable and "moist," so to speak. I guess it is worth mentioning that i've been letting my hair grow out from a short haircut, less than an inch all over, since June. My hair is now about 3 inches (my bangs) and about 2 inches elsewhere. I'm in that pretty akward stage. Being that I'm only in Highschool intensifies this "akward" feeling due to the endless teasings on being different. But I do not let this bother me, because I know in the end they will be jealous... Well I hope you guys enjoyed my "life-story" LOL....seriously though, any insight on this "phenomon" would be apreciated, later
I have the same hair!
Posted by Drew on November 17, 2002 at 22:41:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: Wool stocking hat... posted by Justin B. on November 16, 2002 at 02:09:41:
Tell me if you figure anything out, hehe. So far I haven't really minded the awkward stage, though.
Re: I have the same hair!
Posted by Justin B on November 19, 2002 at 18:49:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: I have the same hair! posted by Drew on November 17, 2002 at 22:41:52:
No, I dont really mind it either, I actually like it. I've found out that if I wash my hair about once every 3-4 days and condition every day (with a moisture conditioner) it does quite well...with my stocking hat of course...it really does work well...pretty crazy