2nd post with pics
Posted by Marc A on November 17, 2002 at 11:58:13: Previous Next
Hi y’all,
Here’s a follow up to my first post. I noticed that some of you who have just started to let their hair grow or who are still in their awkward stage are frustrated by the slow pace of hair growth. I have found a way to enjoy, and I mean really enjoy the benefits of having long hair without having to “wait”.
As I said earlier, my girlfriend wears wigs. She must, as she has very little hair of her own. This spring I decided to start wearing fake ponytails and covering my balding head with a scarf to cover the bald spot. I started doing this on weekends and going out in public while shopping, doing the groceries etc. either alone or with my girl friend. She would then wear an extra long wig. A bit apprehensive at first, I quickly became very comfortable, especially after getting a barrage of favorable comments and compliments, a lot from younger girls (in the 20-30 year old range; don’t forget, I’m 46) but also from women of all ages. I was just flabbergasted by all the attention I was getting from total strangers. Even a few men asked questions (although I don’t really care what they think, except fellow longhairs). Since July, I probably got 100 comments, not one of them negative. I must say Montreal is a very liberal city. My city is famous for its world famous jazz festival (where you get to see hundreds of longhaired guys and the Gay pride festival. Although I personally am not gay, we have friends who are, and we accept them totally. Since I’m on this subject, I’ll put in my 2 cents. I personally believe gays are born with this trait in their genes and that this cannot be reversed. Studies have shown that 10% of the population is gay just as 10% of the population is left-handed. So I assume 10% of us long hair lovers are gay.
Getting back to my main topic, I now go out with different hair most week ends. My favorite hairdo however is the 37 inch skinny braid that goes down below my butt. This one is 100% real hair. The color is a very similar brown as my own hair although my sideburns are going gray and appear lighter. The braid belonged to one of my great aunts who died in 1971 at age of 86. She cut off her braid at about 35, from what I’ve been told. My mother gave it to me 20 years ago.
When people ask if it’s my real hair I say “yes”. OK, It’s a fib, but it does no harm to anyone. Of course it’s not my real hair but it sure makes me feel like a real long hair. So until the hair I still have on my head grows to terminal length Which is my goal), I’m having a really great time right now, as I don’t have to wait to enjoy the benefits of having extra long hair. Indeed going out like this “is not for the timid” (quote from the board). Be prepared to get plenty of looks. You will not go unnoticed.
I hope these words may encourage many aspiring longhairs. All feel free to ask me questions or advice. This is what this board is for.
Regards to all.
Re: 2nd post with pics
Posted by Marc A on November 17, 2002 at 12:00:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: 2nd post with pics posted by Marc A on November 17, 2002 at 11:58:13:
: Hi y’all,
: Here’s a follow up to my first post. I noticed that some of you who have just started to let their hair grow or who are still in their awkward stage are frustrated by the slow pace of hair growth. I have found a way to enjoy, and I mean really enjoy the benefits of having long hair without having to “wait”.
: As I said earlier, my girlfriend wears wigs. She must, as she has very little hair of her own. This spring I decided to start wearing fake ponytails and covering my balding head with a scarf to cover the bald spot. I started doing this on weekends and going out in public while shopping, doing the groceries etc. either alone or with my girl friend. She would then wear an extra long wig. A bit apprehensive at first, I quickly became very comfortable, especially after getting a barrage of favorable comments and compliments, a lot from younger girls (in the 20-30 year old range; don’t forget, I’m 46) but also from women of all ages. I was just flabbergasted by all the attention I was getting from total strangers. Even a few men asked questions (although I don’t really care what they think, except fellow longhairs). Since July, I probably got 100 comments, not one of them negative. I must say Montreal is a very liberal city. My city is famous for its world famous jazz festival (where you get to see hundreds of longhaired guys and the Gay pride festival. Although I personally am not gay, we have friends who are, and we accept them totally. Since I’m on this subject, I’ll put in my 2 cents. I personally believe gays are born with this trait in their genes and that this cannot be reversed. Studies have shown that 10% of the population is gay just as 10% of the population is left-handed. So I assume 10% of us long hair lovers are gay.
: Getting back to my main topic, I now go out with different hair most week ends. My favorite hairdo however is the 37 inch skinny braid that goes down below my butt. This one is 100% real hair. The color is a very similar brown as my own hair although my sideburns are going gray and appear lighter. The braid belonged to one of my great aunts who died in 1971 at age of 86. She cut off her braid at about 35, from what I’ve been told. My mother gave it to me 20 years ago.
: When people ask if it’s my real hair I say “yes”. OK, It’s a fib, but it does no harm to anyone. Of course it’s not my real hair but it sure makes me feel like a real long hair. So until the hair I still have on my head grows to terminal length Which is my goal), I’m having a really great time right now, as I don’t have to wait to enjoy the benefits of having extra long hair. Indeed going out like this “is not for the timid” (quote from the board). Be prepared to get plenty of looks. You will not go unnoticed.
: I hope these words may encourage many aspiring longhairs. All feel free to ask me questions or advice. This is what this board is for.
: Regards to all.