Legolas Hair / Progress ??

Legolas Hair / Progress ??
Posted by Ganface_Happyface on November 19, 2002 at 09:34:50: Previous Next

Hey all

I was curious how many of you that started growing your hair because of Legolas in Lord of the Rings, are still growing it?

I have a little over a year of growth now, it's pretty long. In the back it's getting really long. Sometimes I feel like I have a mullet, but I know its not. It's past the awkard stage, kinda. Its like in Awkward Stage II. It just not in the Beautiful stage, you know, when you finally trim the back and the front catches up, etc.

So.. I'm still growing mine. I was about to cut it, I was getting so pissed, because I feel like girls are really turned off by the hair,,, Zbut screw it, I have goals right now in life, and dont want any serious girlfriend for at least 6 yeras (med school in my plans)

But then I saw the new lord of the rings extended video, and gave me inspritation to keep growing it. Last night my neighbor was bored, so she came over and straightened my hair (my hair is only slightly wavey). It looks kinda neat. For the premier of the two towers, I will have my hair kinda like the elfs, but it's only barely long enough to pull back into any type of pony tail, so my hair will be more like Galadrials (LOL THE GIRL, s... doh), i mean, where you have the long hair on the sides sticking in front of the ears, and the resttucked behind ears..

I dunno, anyone? You guys got pics? I'll take some today and post later!

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