Posted by SPEEDRACER on November 22, 2002 at 16:07:31: Previous Next

How do you feel about long hair on "kids"? The word "kids" are kids not even old enough to be teenagers yet...and obviously, we are talking about "boys" not "girls" here in this question. I have seen a few kids (under the age of 13) with long hair and - personally - I really don't care for it. Once a child/kid/teenager is at an age when they are old enough to start making decisions for themselves then I wouldn't have a problem with them growing their hair out and getting earrings. I was a junior in high school when I first started letting my hair grow out and when I first got my earrings.

Why? Because my wife is pregnant with our first child and people have asked me if my son (hopefully it will be a boy) will have long hair like his Dad?! I tell them, "When he is old enough to make decisions for himself, then he can grow it out if he so chooses to do so...but not until then." The same goes for earrings as well, and tatoos, etc. I just want my child to be his own person...don't get me wrong though...when the time comes I will definitely drop hints and try to encourage him in a subtle way to grow his hair out - but if he chooses not to, then I'm not going to force him into doing something that he doesn't want to do.

Anybody have kids out there?...Is their hair long like yours?

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