to cut, or not to cut
Posted by AClockwork3 on November 25, 2002 at 23:32:32: Previous Next
I'm 17 years old. I have been growing out my hair for about a year and a half now, and its about 6-7 inches long. Before i started growing it out, i shaved my head completely. Now, for my question. I think that im starting to look like a beast. I dont know if that makes sense, but i have huge side burns, and my hair curls up when it gets long, so only on the ends, and it seems like im a hairy freak now. I really want a girlfriend, but i dont want it to seem like im conforming to what the girls want. I know most of them dont go for long hair, so, should i cut it, or let it grow??
Re: to cut, or not to cut
Posted by Polska on November 26, 2002 at 01:25:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: to cut, or not to cut posted by AClockwork3 on November 25, 2002 at 23:32:32:
Dude, im in the same boat, 17 and hugry for girls, lol. But the hair is not a bad thing, youve just got to finda way to comb it so its neat and cool looking, try using a tiny bit of gel and working it out when dry. Aslo, look through magazines for "hip" styles, theres one for every hair texture and type. Worked for me, if you keep it neat, youll discover there are alot of girls that do like it, and if it feels nice too, which means you just have to find the right washing technique (no grease!)then youll discover many love to run their hands through it. Also, are you sure youre even coming up to girls? Dont be so mindful of your hair, come up to like 5 girls in one night at the theatres, be yourself and dont be afraid of rejection, just pick up on their subtle cues of interest or disinterest, if theyre not engaging in coversation or maintaining eye contact, cut your loses and move on. Well, hope some of this will help, later man, and good luck.
Re: to cut, or not to cut
Posted by AClockwork3 on November 26, 2002 at 01:36:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: to cut, or not to cut posted by Polska on November 26, 2002 at 01:25:39:
Yeah, thanks a lot. Good idea. I tried messin around with it a bit. I found that splittin it down the middle seems to work the best. Any other way just looks really weird. I ususally wash it every day, or every other day, so it doesn't look nasty and greasy. I have to work on the talkin to more girls thing, but im there. Again, thanks.
Re: to cut, or not to cut
Posted by MG on November 26, 2002 at 03:04:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: to cut, or not to cut posted by AClockwork3 on November 26, 2002 at 01:36:44:
: Yeah, thanks a lot. Good idea. I tried messin around with it a bit. I found that splittin it down the middle seems to work the best. Any other way just looks really weird. I ususally wash it every day, or every other day, so it doesn't look nasty and greasy. I have to work on the talkin to more girls thing, but im there. Again, thanks.
You can also trim the sideburns or get a very slight undercut. It
seems to make the rest of the hair look neater.
Re: to cut, or not to cut
Posted by Aaron on November 26, 2002 at 07:59:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: to cut, or not to cut posted by AClockwork3 on November 25, 2002 at 23:32:32:
I don't know man, you might be surprised if girls actually like your hair more than you realize! Be yourself, relax, and talk to them, treat them very nicely... I believe that some girls are sick of the same shaved heads and spikey gel hair that every guy seems to be sporting.
It's a good change! DON'T CUT!
Take care.
Re: to cut, or not to cut
Posted by SixStringThing on November 26, 2002 at 17:18:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: to cut, or not to cut posted by AClockwork3 on November 25, 2002 at 23:32:32:
: I'm 17 years old. I have been growing out my hair for about a year and a half now, and its about 6-7 inches long. Before i started growing it out, i shaved my head completely. Now, for my question. I think that im starting to look like a beast. I dont know if that makes sense, but i have huge side burns, and my hair curls up when it gets long, so only on the ends, and it seems like im a hairy freak now. I really want a girlfriend, but i dont want it to seem like im conforming to what the girls want. I know most of them dont go for long hair, so, should i cut it, or let it grow??
I know what you mean, I'm also 17. It sucks to see girls seeing pics of some guy with spiked hair and commenting on how awesome it looks. But don't cut it if YOU don't want to, while short hair is popular, clothing and especially attitude have alot to do with how girls our age see guys. I used to dress with jeans and a band shirt pretty much every day, now I've started going for a more sophisticated look and I can honestly say it makes a big difference! I've always had a confident attitude so I didn't have to work with that but if you don't it would help alot more than a haircut. But again, I don't know how you dress but if you don't want to dress in a more sophisticated way, DONT, just be yourself. I changed my clothing because I was sick of the other look, just be yourself and be confident of who you are.
Re: to cut, or not to cut
Posted by BeagleBoy on November 26, 2002 at 20:32:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: to cut, or not to cut posted by AClockwork3 on November 25, 2002 at 23:32:32:
: I know most of them dont go for long hair, so, should i cut it, or let it grow??:
I don't post here often, and what I'm about to say will go against what most people here will tell you - which is why I don't post often.
First, before anything else, ask yourself what length you want your hair to be. If you like it long, then don't go for a short haircut. If you're not happy with your look, nothing else will matter. By the same token, if you want it short, then do it.
Now as to your problem: As I've posted before, I manage several actors. I have them keep their hair on the long side except as needed for parts; it's practical - they can always cut it for a part. I have *NEVER* had one of them go through what everyone here calls the awkward stage. I *DO* have them get their hair trimmed properly every 4-5 weeks. Very little is actually cut off, but it's neatened up, shaped if necessary and kept neat. I have them wash and condition their hair at least every other day. It takes longer to grow out, of course, as we are taking a half step back for every two steps forward. These men and boys are in an image industry, however. I'm not as concerned about the length of their hair as I am about them always looking good. It's hard for me to sell them if they don't.
The problem is finding a stylist that will do the job you want done rather than the one he/she wants to do. In Hollywood, that's easy; they understand image - and if I tell them "no more than 1/4 inch off" they take it seriously. Outside this area, though, not all cutters are as cooperative. Don't be afraid to tell your stylist *EXACTLY* what you want and watch what they're doing to make sure they follow instructions.
Re: to cut, or not to cut
Posted by Bristol on November 27, 2002 at 06:54:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: to cut, or not to cut posted by AClockwork3 on November 25, 2002 at 23:32:32:
If you want short hair then get it buzzed off but you probably don't which is why you have grown it out. It will make you real unhappy to get it wrong and 18months is a long wait.
However those sideburns seem way too long. Get them cut back to no longer than the bottom of your ear even a bit less and keep them neatly trimmed every week. You'll look a bit tidier yet keep what you really like.
Good luck
: I'm 17 years old. I have been growing out my hair for about a year and a half now, and its about 6-7 inches long. Before i started growing it out, i shaved my head completely. Now, for my question. I think that im starting to look like a beast. I dont know if that makes sense, but i have huge side burns, and my hair curls up when it gets long, so only on the ends, and it seems like im a hairy freak now. I really want a girlfriend, but i dont want it to seem like im conforming to what the girls want. I know most of them dont go for long hair, so, should i cut it, or let it grow??