Gum in Hair
Posted by py on November 19, 2002 at 17:26:50: Previous Next
Another post got me thinking. What would you do to someone if they put a big wad of gum in your hair, and you knew that instant that it was going to run everything you've worked for? How would you feel?
Personally I'd turn around and kick the $%#% out of the bastard
Re: Gum in Hair
Posted by drek on November 19, 2002 at 17:59:01: Previous Next
In Reply to: Gum in Hair posted by py on November 19, 2002 at 17:26:50:
i'd beat the living hell out of them, but im pretty sure theres a trick to getting it out
It CAN be removed without scissors
Posted by Santiago on November 19, 2002 at 19:15:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: Gum in Hair posted by py on November 19, 2002 at 17:26:50:
Here goes a brief story about my life.
I was about 12 yrs old, and had short hair. I had gum and was taking a shower. I won't tell you how but it ended up on my hair. I desperately tried to comb it out and it got worse. Then my mother COMPLETELY removed it with the hair untouched. Its a miracolous soap, yeah soap, not bleach, not anything of the kind, just a very rare and wonderful liquid. And I still can get it. Its not available in the US though.
After that, 6 months ago, I was in the hospital cause a friend had surgery, and while playing with his little sister, I completely filled her hair with some sort of GAK, worse than gum. I was freaked out, she has very nice hair. I thought I was losing a friend. lol. I went to the nurse and sent me to pediatrics. They gave me glycerin and I banished all the GAK, although, I pulled some hair out, but shed didn't have to shave.
I hope this doesn't become necessary ever, but its a 411 if you need it.
Gum in Hair...$%#% !
Posted by LucksKind on November 19, 2002 at 19:16:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Gum in Hair posted by py on November 19, 2002 at 17:26:50:
: "Personally I'd turn around and kick the $%#% out of the bastard"
hmmmmmm...well...ok...but right after that...
run out and buy some stuff that removes the GuM..
Re: Gum in Hair
Posted by andrew on November 19, 2002 at 19:22:38: Previous Next
In Reply to: Gum in Hair posted by py on November 19, 2002 at 17:26:50:
Gum in your hair shouldn't ruin everything you've worked for. Peanut butter, mayonnaise, or even egg white can remove the gum.
Re: Gum in Hair
Posted by Victor on November 19, 2002 at 21:32:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: Gum in Hair posted by py on November 19, 2002 at 17:26:50:
: Another post got me thinking. What would you do to someone if they put a big wad of gum in your hair, and you knew that instant that it was going to run everything you've worked for? How would you feel?
: Personally I'd turn around and kick the $%#% out of the bastard
I guess you didn't follow the link posted by Wolff. Since the link spawns a couple of popups, I post the content here:
Chewing gum is not my favourite type of candy or sweet. If you ever look down at a pavement you can see where people have spat out their chewing gum. It is a terrible problem for local authorities, as soon as they remove it, someone will replace it.I have gathered a multitude of ways that you can remove chewing gum from your hair, clothes and carpets. So read on if you are looking to remove some chewing gum.
Egg White.
The white of an egg will remove chewing gum from most things, including your hair. Put the white of an egg on the gum and leave for a couple of minutes. Then work the gum out.Freeze it out.
If the chewing gum is on an item of clothing, put the item in the freezer. The chewing gum will go hard and all you need to do is crack it off. You can also use the freezing technique on larger items, such as a car seat or carpet, by using ice cubes. Place an ice cube onto the gum and slowly rub it around. The gum will harden and you will be able to crack it off.Chocolate.
This technique will work great if you have chewing gum in your clothes or hair. Melt some chocolate and rub some of the melted chocolate into the gum. The chocolate dissolves the chewing gum's stickiness - so it can be brushed or combed outMayonnaise.
Mayonnaise will also remove chewing gum. Simply apply and work it in, gum softens and comes off easily.Vinegar.
Saturate the area that has the gum on it with vinegar. The gum will actually dissolve. If the vinegar is heated first the process will work faster.Peanut Butter.
Simply apply peanut butter to the offending gum and work it in. The gum comes right off.Lemon Juice.
Chewing gum can be removed from clothes if the gum is first soaked in lemon juice and then the clothes are washed as normal.WD40/Penetrating Oil.
Very similar to the other tips. Simply spray the sticky gum with WD40 and work it into the gum. The gum will come out easily.Some of the above tips will leave a greasy residue so you might like to check out my page about removing greasy stains.
Re: easy does it
Posted by Hair Religion on November 21, 2002 at 15:11:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: Gum in Hair posted by py on November 19, 2002 at 17:26:50:
Whatever you do don't do something that will get you thrown in jail because they will probably cut the rest of your hair off there.