Posted by LongHairWannaBe on November 21, 2002 at 16:58:18: Previous Next
I've been growing my hair out for about 3 or 4 months now. It's very curly in the front and sideburn/ear areas but on top and in the back it's just wavy so I can't really gel it and mess it up because it's not all curls. I've had alot of comments on it but probably 50% of them have been negative Eg. "are you ever going to get a hair cut", "you're looking more like (can't remember the name - n'sync band member)", etc. I try to brush the curls out and paste my hair as close to my head as I can but it's impossible. Anyone have any advice as how to straighten it? Should I just be happy that I have the curls that I do? It seems anything I do with it it just goes up and out. It's not long enough to put behind my ears. As you can probably tell from what I've written I'm about ready to just go have my head shaved with a #4 clipper like I used to to avoid the hassle. If anyone has any advice please post it and it will be greatly appreciated.
someBuddy here once said...
Posted by LucksKind on November 21, 2002 at 19:59:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: Comments posted by LongHairWannaBe on November 21, 2002 at 16:58:18:
that sooner or later your hair WILL be so long that...
people will consider you a 'LOST CAUSE'
When I was going through the 'awkward phase'
which seems to last forever & ever...amen...
I tried EVERYTHING...NOTHING worked!!!
So there was suffering...O sweet Lord...
...maybe if you comb your hair flat and pull down...
a hat over it and
wear it for hours at a day...
or all night while you sleep...
should look pretty damned flat...
gosh dammit
Re: Comments
Posted by perplexedone on November 21, 2002 at 21:10:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: Comments posted by LongHairWannaBe on November 21, 2002 at 16:58:18:
dude... just leave it be... i'm in the same bot as you, my hair is wavey and fro like.... and have only been growing for 3 months... the thing that keeps me going is knowing that it won't be like this forever, it will get longer gradually each month. you might not notice its growth right away but i swear to you that it will be long eventually, so don't be a wuss and cut it just because people make fun of your hair. be impervious to criticsm!
the enduring of shitty hair is what seperates the long hairs from the short hairs, people have short hair because they like it that way or because they have no patience to grow it that long.
Re: Comments
Posted by SixStringThing on November 21, 2002 at 22:13:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Comments posted by LongHairWannaBe on November 21, 2002 at 16:58:18:
Don't cut it! I have really wavy hair in which the bangs are and certain other parts are slightly curly and it sure does suck when growing it out (Sorry but it's the truth, might as well face it) But I have seen some people with our type of hair but longer, and man, once it's long it looks really awesome! BTW I sleep with a hat which used to work pretty good but now that it's longer it just kind of slips out at night (I'm at a year and a few weeks, from a buzzcut)