question for the metalheads of the board
Posted by headbanger on November 21, 2002 at 22:27:19: Previous Next
hey guys, its been a while. ive been reading everything, just not really posting. i have a question, semi long hair related. I am in a death/grind metal band. we all have nice long hair, except our bassist and our drummer. our bassist has a completely shaved head with a really long beard. our drummer just has a plain old spiky haircut though. were starting to get sorta big around the local scene, and our drummer wants to have a hairstyle more concurrent with the rest of the bands image. now as far as i know, the only "death metal haircuts" is long hair and shaved head. do any of you guys know of any other hair styles that could be "death" looking, that involves relatively short hair, because he doesnt want to wait the 2 years for length. an odd question, but i would greatly aprreciate anyones input. thanks in advance.
Re: question for the metalheads of the board
Posted by Aaron on November 21, 2002 at 22:38:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: question for the metalheads of the board posted by headbanger on November 21, 2002 at 22:27:19:
Possibly a mohawk? If he could stomach it...
I dunno.
Let me drum for you. :) I just got a new Premier Cabira (fusion sized) today... ;)
Re: question for the metalheads of the board
Posted by Vampire on November 22, 2002 at 16:50:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: question for the metalheads of the board posted by Aaron on November 21, 2002 at 22:38:06:
Ehhh... that's a punk thing.
: Possibly a mohawk? If he could stomach it...
: I dunno.
: Let me drum for you. :) I just got a new Premier Cabira (fusion sized) today... ;)
Re: question for the metalheads of the board
Posted by marco on November 21, 2002 at 23:01:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: question for the metalheads of the board posted by headbanger on November 21, 2002 at 22:27:19:
: hey guys, its been a while. ive been reading everything, just not really posting. i have a question, semi long hair related. I am in a death/grind metal band. we all have nice long hair, except our bassist and our drummer. our bassist has a completely shaved head with a really long beard. our drummer just has a plain old spiky haircut though. were starting to get sorta big around the local scene, and our drummer wants to have a hairstyle more concurrent with the rest of the bands image. now as far as i know, the only "death metal haircuts" is long hair and shaved head. do any of you guys know of any other hair styles that could be "death" looking, that involves relatively short hair, because he doesnt want to wait the 2 years for length. an odd question, but i would greatly aprreciate anyones input. thanks in advance.
: -headbanger
Long hair is definately the only style I has seen for heavy metal groups. Where have you been bud? Should post a progress pic?
Re: death hair
Posted by Hair Religion on November 22, 2002 at 02:11:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: question for the metalheads of the board posted by headbanger on November 21, 2002 at 22:27:19:
Make him wear some kind of hat.
Undertaker hat, cowboy from hell, pirate, jungle hat (spec ops), military helmet, etc.
Re: question for the metalheads of the board
Posted by perplexedone on November 22, 2002 at 02:32:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: question for the metalheads of the board posted by headbanger on November 21, 2002 at 22:27:19:
hmm, if hes so concerned with the death image he can simply shave his head off. but if he can grind on his kit, and play double bass grooves like a machine gun....who cares what he looks like?
This is a longhair board !
Posted by GodKnowsBest on November 22, 2002 at 13:31:45: Previous Next
In Reply to: question for the metalheads of the board posted by headbanger on November 21, 2002 at 22:27:19:
If you wanna speak of shaved heads or short spiky hair, go to some other hyperboard, like I don`t know some Boyz bands.
And for Metal`s sake. shaved head was never associated to Metal...but to Rap music.
Stop spoiling things !
Black Sabbath in 1969 didn`t start with shaved heads. Even Jimi Hendrix had long hair.
Re: question for the metalheads of the board
Posted by Vampire on November 22, 2002 at 16:50:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: question for the metalheads of the board posted by headbanger on November 21, 2002 at 22:27:19:
My suggestion is for all of you to wear your hair the way you like it, and play your music the way you like it. What do hair and music have to do with one another? Your hair, just like your style of dress, can't be a type of music. It's like having a mohawk just because it's "punk." That's poser sh*t. No offense intended. Just be yourselves.
: hey guys, its been a while. ive been reading everything, just not really posting. i have a question, semi long hair related. I am in a death/grind metal band. we all have nice long hair, except our bassist and our drummer. our bassist has a completely shaved head with a really long beard. our drummer just has a plain old spiky haircut though. were starting to get sorta big around the local scene, and our drummer wants to have a hairstyle more concurrent with the rest of the bands image. now as far as i know, the only "death metal haircuts" is long hair and shaved head. do any of you guys know of any other hair styles that could be "death" looking, that involves relatively short hair, because he doesnt want to wait the 2 years for length. an odd question, but i would greatly aprreciate anyones input. thanks in advance.
: -headbanger
Re: question for the metalheads of the board
Posted by SixStringThing on November 22, 2002 at 17:53:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: question for the metalheads of the board posted by headbanger on November 21, 2002 at 22:27:19:
"Death metal haircuts" ... ugh... so now you have to have certain hairstyles to listen to certain types of music? It's the music that is important not the image, a person with short hair is perfectly capable of playing death metal riffs while a person with long hair and a long scruffy beard is just as capable of playing classical music. With all due respect why not focus more on the sound of the band and less on hair? There is no reason why every member of the band has to fit a certain image (If that is so, you are turning into NSYNC or a similar group)
Posted by Mark R on November 23, 2002 at 01:13:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: question for the metalheads of the board posted by SixStringThing on November 22, 2002 at 17:53:39:
Look, I know hairstyle has nothing to do with music...usually. There's plenty of metallers out there with shaved heads (you know the name), with short "normal" hair (look no further than the Black Dahlia Murder from Michigan), spiked hair (Kristoffer Gildenlow had spikey hair for a while). But METAL, especially in the traditional sense, is not just a's a complete EXPERIENCE, both audio and VISUAL. And part of that picture - whether rightfully so or not - has been long hair. You seem to be making a few premature conclusions about Headbanger's situation - I'm sure they don't sit around all night at band practice saying, "hey these drum fills sound great, but they'd sound even better if I had long hair!" Yes, focusing on just the music is important...but not to the point where it drives you crazy. And taking a few moments out to think about something else - for example, hair - is perfectly acceptable as a break. Essentially what you have done is stated that no one has to have certain hairstyles to do certain music...but the message you have implied is that he should NOT change his hair because he would be doing it for the wrong reasons. Which is basically the same thing. (Doing only what you're told). Wanting to grow hair to fit the metal "image" seems like a perfectly fine reason to me - after all, if he gets there and decides he doesn't like it, he'll cut it off. If he gives up after a few months, we'll know he never had it in him anyway. And if he gets it and loves it.... then we've won another small victory, no? Okay I'm aware I just criticised you without knowing you... it's a message board and I took some parts of your message liberally, so if my points are irrelevant you can always ignore it. Peace.
: "Death metal haircuts" ... ugh... so now you have to have certain hairstyles to listen to certain types of music? It's the music that is important not the image, a person with short hair is perfectly capable of playing death metal riffs while a person with long hair and a long scruffy beard is just as capable of playing classical music. With all due respect why not focus more on the sound of the band and less on hair? There is no reason why every member of the band has to fit a certain image (If that is so, you are turning into NSYNC or a similar group)
Re: Metal
Posted by SixStringThing on November 23, 2002 at 18:35:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: Metal posted by Mark R on November 23, 2002 at 01:13:33:
I see what you mean but I still can't agree. First, I'm not saying you should focus on the music until it drives you crazy, but it is THE most important thing in a band, that's why it's called music, not fashion or something else. Nothing wrong with growing your hair to fit the "metal image" it just seems rather childish to TRY to fit an image. If he wants long hair that's fine but when it's done in order to fit into a certain "group"... it just seems rather lame (Now I know that EVERYONE falls into a certain group... it's rather impossible not to but TRYING to fit in a group is what I see as childish) but there's nothing wrong with that, I'd say almost every young person goes through it, I know i did a few years back and it's a normal part of life. And about "winning a small victory", well I don't really like to think of having people grow hair out as "winning a victory", I mean i like long hair but I could care less if others have it or not, that would be a bit obsessive. No offense, just sharing my views - Rob