question for the metalheads of the board

question for the metalheads of the board
Posted by headbanger on November 21, 2002 at 22:27:19: Previous Next

hey guys, its been a while. ive been reading everything, just not really posting. i have a question, semi long hair related. I am in a death/grind metal band. we all have nice long hair, except our bassist and our drummer. our bassist has a completely shaved head with a really long beard. our drummer just has a plain old spiky haircut though. were starting to get sorta big around the local scene, and our drummer wants to have a hairstyle more concurrent with the rest of the bands image. now as far as i know, the only "death metal haircuts" is long hair and shaved head. do any of you guys know of any other hair styles that could be "death" looking, that involves relatively short hair, because he doesnt want to wait the 2 years for length. an odd question, but i would greatly aprreciate anyones input. thanks in advance.


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