Stupid parents, HELP!

Stupid parents, HELP!
Posted by Silverfire on December 17, 2002 at 22:23:34: Previous Next

Okay. For the past few months I've been half-heartedly looking for a job. In the past 2 months I've had 2 job interviews but didn't get the job, which in my opinion is because I was REALLY REALLY nervous and could barely answer the questions put to me, which were really stupid questions.
Anyway, now my parents, who have been pretty cool up till now, have decreed that unless I get a job by the new year, I must go and get a haircut, because evidently they think that my hair is getting in my way. And to be brutally honest, I don't see myself getting a job by that time.
So, what am I to do? First, there is no damn way I'm going to allow this. I may still live at home but there's no bloody way I'm going to allow them to alter me however they see fit. If worst comes to worst and they try something dirty and underhanded on me, like cutting it when I'm asleep or something, I know exactly what I'm going to do, and that is to turn into my brother, who is a total lazy slob who does nothing, and sloth around all day, never cleaning up after himself. And I just won't bother looking for a job at all, just lie around all day and make dirty dishes but not clean them, not bother to dust, not bother to wipe the dog's feet when she comes it, and leave nice big messes in the hallway when I come up, which I will not mop up. I'll feel like a total asshole doing that, but if someone tries to mutilate me, I will cease to be a doormat and turn into a nasty vicious he-bitch who screams profanities and is totally irrational. My own grandmother has suggested something mind-bendingly stupid, which is to get it cut and then let it grow afyer I get a job, and I didn't even dignify THAT with a REPLY.
Oh, and I'll get piercings and tattoos.
Oh, and I'll shout at my dad that he's a facist. Considering his recent political attitudes that won't be a stretch.
But any ideas to prevent this horrible fate?

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