you ever have second thoughts?

you ever have second thoughts?
Posted by SixStringThing on December 18, 2002 at 18:15:17: Previous Next

Ive been growing for a year and two months, and as some of you may know I don't really like my hair but i have never once considered cutting it. These past few days have been different however, like I'm seeing things from a different point of view. I'm now thinking to myself, what is the big deal here? It's just a hairstyle, there's so much more to life than a hairstyle. Now don't get me wrong, I do like long hair alot better than short hair but since I don't like MY hair and it causes me so much grief.. why not cut it? (I said I wouldn't cut it for two years, and i try my best to stick to what I say but after the two year mark, if i feel like i do now i will cut) Only last week it would have seemed like such a horrible thing to cut my hair.. now I'm thinking Is the world going to stop if I cut my hair? Is anyone who sees me on the street really going to give a damn if I cut my hair or not? It's not going to make any news headlines I can tell you that. All of a sudden it seems so insignificant and there are so many more important things in life that can bring me joy. I used to think that if I cut my hair and saw a longhaired guy it would make me feel so bad, but now I ask myself, why??? In my mind it would seem as if nobody knew who I really was, people saw me with short hair and they wouldn't understand that deep inside I was a true longhair... now this seems so stupid to me, nobody would notice or care what hairstyle I have, people are too busy with their lives and most people could care less about what hairstyle anyone has. It's just rather strange how almost overnight I started seeing things from a different perspective, has this ever happened to anyone?

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