Before and After Pic(Sort Of)

Before and After Pic(Sort Of)
Posted by jk on December 20, 2002 at 05:06:47: Previous Next

The first pic was taken during my first attempt at growing my hair long in July '99. I had a severe undercut(everything but the top was shaved) and the ends were totally destroyed from bleaching it a year and a half before(at chin lenghth) and then dying it back. I ended up trimming it to a little above shoulder length and kept it trimmed for about a year. Then I ended up cutting it to an inch below chin length in June '00 and have been growing it since with only several minor trims. It is now one length(underneath and all) and this picture was taken about a month ago. Just disregard the knife in the pic, the pic was taken as a joke and it's the most recent one I have so it's the one I decided to use. I'd say it's quite an improvement from my first attempt and I now finally feel like a true longhair. As you can tell by the first pic, I wasn't too into washing my hair but now I take great care of it and it feels great.

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