A rant about girls opinions on long hair

A rant about girls opinions on long hair
Posted by SixStringThing on December 26, 2002 at 16:18:24: Previous Next

I don't usually do this but I have alot of time to kill today, and it's not off topic or anything. The other day, I over heard this longhaired guy complaining about how he can't get a "hot chick" because of his long hair... i looked at him and immediately thought to myself "IT'S NOT THE HAIR!!!" This guy had some really nice, clean looking dark brown hair which looked great. His clothing however wasn't exactly the best option for attracting women. He was wearing a cheap flannel shirt, some plain looking shirt underneath and a pair of cheap jeans (by cheap I mean they weren't name-brand, maybe they were expensive but they looked really plain). Now I don't mean to offend anyone, there is nothing wrong with wearing clothes like these but if you do don't complain about the fact that you can't get a super model. Next time you go to a public place look around, notice all the beautiful, fit, well dressed women are with handsome, fit, well dressed guys? And look at the less attractive, sloppy looking women and look at who they are with. There are exeptions though, if you have an extremely good personality (by good I don't mean your a saint or something, it could be the opposite as long as you stand out) and you look like crap you can still get a nice looking girl. I had a longhaired friend who wore nothing but torn up pants, beat up shoes and old band shirt with holes in them and was pretty ugly but this guy had one hell of a personality, he was not afraid to speak his mind and he basically did what he wanted when he wanted, well he also had a BEAUTIFUL girlfriend but for the most part this doesn't happen. I have noticed that quite a few longhaired men dress in a rather sloppy manner, usually they don't want to "conform" to name-brand clothing or simply feel comfortable in what they are wearing, there is nothing wrong with that but then these same guys ask themselves why women don't like men with long hair... once again, it's not the hair it's their overall appearance!!! For example, I have a few uncles that are around 40, out of shape, big beer belly, dress in cheap clothes and they are BIG perverts, when we get together on the holidays and such they question why they are single!!! They really can't figure it out!!! Longhair or not they look like crap, they are going to get crap! You can't expect a woman to work hard (or pay alot) to look beautiful and not have her expect the same from you. Want more proof that it's not the hair? Well there's also a few well-dressed longhaired guys, they workout, spend a little too much on clothes, use cologne etc. and these guys, longhair and all, usually have gorgeous girlfriends. I myself used to constantly shop at Wal-Mart, felt no need to workout (though I'm not fat but I've grown to love weightlifting now) and I thought shopping at expensive name-brand stores was for idiots.. I also had lots of trouble getting a g/f. I started changing my look and started getting more positive attention from "higher quality girls" aswell as teachers (all my grades have raised a bit even though my effort has not changed, hmm..) and even strangers (At stores, before I used to have to ask when I needed something, now everyone is alot more helpful w/out me even asking and alot of people start conversations with me now). So there's my proof that it's not the hair, it's everything else. Why did I post this? Well I'm bored, and I have also noticed that every now and then there's that post asking if women like longhair on men or not, well there's no specific answer to that one but a longhaired guy can definately have an attractive woman. Anyone agree or disagree? Sorry for any spelling errors, I didn't pay too much attention while typing.

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