Hair Help
Posted by Kristov on January 03, 2003 at 23:40:57: Previous Next
Hello, i used to have hair atleast 1 1.5 to 2-inches below my shoulders, and i trimmed an inch off because i havent trimmed or cut it in atleast 6-8months and it feels sooo short [its about a half inch below my shoulders or so] and i was wondering does anyone else get that when they trim their hair and what are some techniques to enrich your hair so it can grow alittle more??
Another question, is brushing good for your hair??
I heard mixed stories, from both pros and non-pro hair stylists and doctors, that brusing alot helps, and brushing alot with your experiences what works good so maybe i can consider using them for my own..[my hair usually grows quite fast, i did alittle undershave last march and its grown about half way back almost as long as it is now (shoulder length)]
well thanks for all the help, and i envy all you guys with long locks! keep up the great hair ;)
Re: Hair Help
Posted by baldie the eagle on January 04, 2003 at 14:33:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hair Help posted by Kristov on January 03, 2003 at 23:40:57:
: Quick answers to your questions
1. Nothing makes your hair grow faster. If you are sick, your hair will not grow as fast as it should, so just concentrate on being healthy and wait for your hair to grow.
2. Brushing your hair helps to remove loose hairs and keeps yuor hair tidy, but if you brush too often with a rough brush, you will damage your hair (and possibly your scalp also). Use a soft brush and only brush enough to keep your hair looking OK. Brushing doesn't stimulte the scalp to make hair grow faster.
Good luck and happy growing