What the heck?!?!?

What the heck?!?!?
Posted by Gibson Guy on January 04, 2003 at 17:59:06: Previous Next

I just wanted let you know that the "I'm outta here" post was not from me.I have been out of town since 2 days before christmas and haven't even been to this board since then.It must have been some troll using my name.I don't know why they picked me out since I hardly ever post here but they did.I'm thinking it's probably that guy who was posting as mr treehugga or whatever his name was.But anyways i just wanted to let you know it wasnt from me.

I do not have a problem with gay people.whatever other people do is their own business and none of mine.I say live and let live.I have only made one post on this subject and it was the one where the guy posted that picture for his site bros online or something like that.I called that gross and I was only referring to the picture he posted,not gay people in general.I also felt that this was not the right place to post such things.But then again I don't run this board so I really don't care.

Anyways,just letting you guys know it wasnt really me.I have learned alot from the people here and i'm not about to go badmouthing the people I have learned so much from.


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