Tough Dilemma...

Tough Dilemma...
Posted by Kiat on January 06, 2003 at 11:20:13: Previous Next

Hi guys. It's been a while since I've visited this site. I'm in a dilemma right now and I really hope you guys could help:

In October, I cut my hair. My almost-a-food long ponytail, all gone now. I cut it because I couldn't stand how somedays it'd annoyingly stick out like twigs in a broom-like fashion. So, here I am without my ponytail (My hair is still not exactly short. The bangs can almost touch my chin) and I think I look better without my hard-earned ponytail and other people seem to agree. The problem is, I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT MY PONYTAIL! I miss having hair brushing on my back! I wake up in the morning, touch the back of my head and just jump because my ponytail isn't there anymore, if you know what I mean. I can't really call cutting it a mistake, because looking better is a pretty fair trade-off to missing my ponytail to death. Guys, I don't know what to do. I like I having long hair, but I like the way I look now better...

By the way, if I grow it back out this time, it'll be a lot better. I noticed that the quality of my hair SIGNIFICANTLY improved. It's never been this good before, all the frizziness and kinky-ness are gone. If I grow it back, I'll have to go through the whole annoying stage again...

I guess I do want to grow my hair back (LOL, I've come to solve my own problem) but I don't have the motivation. I want my ponytail, I just don't want to go through the whole process again. Dang, this happens to me a lot... I also want to be a doctor but I don't want to go to medical school.

Any ideas? Comments? Suggestions? Please help me think of some reasons to grow it back again, I really need convincing.


PS: Here's a before/after picture. You can guess which's which.

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